
2017-08-06 作者: 299阅读


  1.His ------- prior experience notwithstanding, David was judged by the hiring manager to be------- the job.

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  (A) illustrious . . entitled to

  (B) limited . . qualified for

  (C) applicable . . assured of

  (D) usul . . overqualified for

  (E) irrelevant . . perplexed by

  2.Joe Louis was ------- fighter: he inspired fear in many of his opponents.

  Answer Choices

  (A) a serene

  (B) an impetuous

  (C) an insipid

  (D) a malleable

  (E) a redoubtable

  3.The language of Anne Spencer’s poetry conveys an impression of ------- that can be misleading: just when a poem seems to be echoing routine feelings, the diction suddenly sharpens to embody fresh and unexpected ideas.

  Answer Choices

  (A) frivolity

  (B) triteness

  (C) diversity

  (D) lyricism

  (E) precision

  4.Always ready to ------- achievement, Miller was as eager to praise a new production as the more mean-spirited critics were to ------- it.

  Answer Choices

  (A) reward . . review

  (B) impede . . ignore

  (C) recognize . . deride

  (D) expose . . study

  (E) embrace . . promote

  5.Although the scientist claimed to have made a major breakthrough in his research, the evidence he offered as proof of his assertion was ------- at best.

  Answer Choices

  (A) conclusive

  (B) indubitable

  (C) paltry

  (D) copious

  (E) extensive

  6.Because she has a great need for ------- , she loathes the public appearances demanded of her as a leading literary figure.

  Answer Choices

  (A) luxury

  (B) privacy

  (C) reward

  (D) devotion

  (E) distraction


  1.The correct answer is B

  Choice (B) is correct. It makes sense to say that despite his “limited”—but apparently applicable—experience, the hiring manager feels that David is “qualified for” the job, or competent to undertake it.

  2.The correct answer is E

  The colon introduces an explanation, an illustration, or a restatement of the first part of the sentence. “Redoubtable” is the best choice because it accurately describes someone who “inspires fear” in others.

  3.The correct answer is B

  Only “triteness” logically completes the sentence; a poem echoing routine feelings might well be described as possessing “triteness,” in contrast to the fresh and unexpected ideas that Anne Spencer’s poems go on to express

  4.The correct answer is C

  The sentence contrasts the “eager” nature of Miller’s response to new productions with that of “more mean-spirited critics.” Since Miller tends to “praise a new production,” it makes sense to say that he “recognizes,” or acknowledges, achievement, while “mean-spirited critics” are more likely to “deride,” or ridicule, it.

  5.The correct answer is C

  “Paltry,” or meager, fits within the context of this sentence because it questions or qualifies the scientist’s claim of achieving a “major breakthrough.”

  6.The correct answer is B

  The first part of the sentence describes a cause and the second part describes resulting behavior. The literary figure desires “privacy” and so she finds public appearances loathsome.








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