
2017-08-05 作者: 286阅读


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  1.The architect wanted to ------- his own initial vision and design but recognized the importance of ------- requests from his client; in the end, he had to make several concessions.

  (A) maintain . . accommodating

  (B) develop . . submitting

  (C) protect . . excluding

  (D) ruse . . incorporating

  (E) preserve . . disregarding

  2.Mr. Warmington considered himself a connoisseur of fine wines, claiming he could ------- variations in taste and quality among any range of vintages he was served.

  Answer Choices

  (A) purvey

  (B) discern

  (C) face

  (D) mollify

  (E) debate

  3.Although his close friends and colleagues see him as outgoing and -------, Milo usually feels shy and unsure of himself.

  (A) cautious

  (B) resigned

  (C) confident

  (D) generous

  (E) patient

  4.Many of today’s physicians and patients are ------- high technology, captivated by computer-designed drugs and laser surgery.

  Answer Choices

  (A) nervous about

  (B) densive about

  (C) tolerant of

  (D) enamored of

  (E) overwhelmed by

  5.The edelweiss appears to be ------- is an illusion: the flower actually is incredibly -------, able to survive in extreme temperatures.

  (A) hardy . . malleable

  (B) fragile . . resilient

  (C) durable . . resistant

  (D) stunning . . slight

  (E) unique . . tenacious

  6.Always ready to ------- achievement, Miller was as eager to praise a new production as the more mean-spirited critics were to ------- it.

  Answer Choices

  (A) reward . . review

  (B) impede . . ignore

  (C) recognize . . deride

  (D) expose . . study

  (E) embrace . . promote


  1.The correct answer is A

  The word “but” along with the word “concessions,” which rers to yielding to something, suggests that there is some contrast in the first part of the sentence. An architect certainly might want to “maintain” his initial vision and design, but as a result of needing to accommodate, or consider and allow for, requests from the client, he might have to change them. It makes sense to suggest that the architect made concessions and accommodated the client’s requests even though he wanted to keep his initial vision and design unchanged.

  2.The correct answer is B

  Choice (B) is correct. If this term were inserted into the sentence, the sentence would read “Mr. Warmington considered himself a connoisseur of fine wines, claiming he could discern variations in taste and quality among any range of vintages he was served.” A “connoisseur” has a sophisticated ability to appreciate and assess subtleties. If Mr. Warmington considered himself a connoisseur of wine, he would claim an ability to “discern,” or detect, variations in the taste and quality of different wines

  3.The correct answer is C

  The word "Although" indicates that there is a contrast between the way Milo&aposs "close friends and colleagues see him" and the way "Milo usually feels." Even though people who know Milo think he is "outgoing and confident," or social and sure of himself, Milo "usually feels shy and unsure of himself."

  4.The correct answer is D

  The comma indicates that the second clause of the sentence will support or restate the first clause. Only the term “enamored” reinforces the notion that doctors and their patients are “captivated,” or charmed, by “high technology” such as “computer-designed drugs and laser surgery.”

  5.The correct answer is B

  Edelweiss might give the illusion of being "fragile," or easily damaged, but it is clear that the flower actually is very "resilient," or able to withstand difficult conditions. In fact, the flower can "survive in extreme temperatures."

  6.The correct answer is C

  The sentence contrasts the “eager” nature of Miller’s response to new productions with that of “more mean-spirited critics.” Since Miller tends to “praise a new production,” it makes sense to say that he “recognizes,” or acknowledges, achievement, while “mean-spirited critics” are more likely to “deride,” or ridicule, it.



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