
2017-08-06 作者: 253阅读


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  1.Since the two legislators had a long history of major disagreements, the senator considered his colleague’s enthusiastic assurances that they would be in agreement on a forthcoming piece of legislation -------.

  (A) fatuous

  (B) precious

  (C) sagacious

  (D) meritorious

  (E) ignoble

  2.Eduardo Galeano’s novel consists of discrete vignettes, so the reader must supply the invisible ------- binding such apparently ------- parts.

  (A) emotions . . impersonal

  (B) interpretations . . somber

  (C) descriptions . . related

  (D) connections . . independent

  (E) categories . . cohesive

  3.There was no denying the lecturer’s ------- , but her arguments were unsophisticated and------- .

  (A) bravura . . precise

  (B) boorishness . . unoriginal

  (C) charisma . . vapid

  (D) competence . . infallible

  (E) indifference . . benign

  4.The test of truth is not ------- , for we have often felt firmly convinced of many things that were not so.

  (A) implication

  (B) certitude

  (C) originality

  (D) impartiality

  (E) moderation


  1.The correct answer is A

  Choice (A) is correct. It makes sense that the senator, in light of his and his colleague’s shared history of non-cooperation, would consider the colleague’s assurances “fatuous,” or complacently foolish.

  2.The correct answer is D

  The word “so” indicates that the sentence is a cause-and-fect statement: the second half of the sentence must describe the way readers must respond to a novel that “consists of discrete vignettes.” Inserting the terms in choice (D) into the sentence creates a logical cause-and-fect statement. If the novel is composed of “discrete,” or unconnected, episodes, then the reader must supply the “connections” that bind these apparently “independent” parts.

  3.The correct answer is C

  The structure of the sentence sets up a contrast between two ways of describing the lecturer. The fact that she had a charismatic, or magnetic, presence, does indeed contrast with the notion that the content of the lecture was unsophisticated and “vapid” or uninteresting.

  4.The correct answer is B

  To be firmly convinced of something, whether it is true or not, is to be certain, or to possess “certitude.”



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