
2017-08-05 作者: 244阅读


  1.Although her parents believed that everything their daughter did was -------, Suzette&aposs teachers generally considered her work to be -------.

  (A) disappointing . . unsatisfactory

  (B) brilliant . . unremarkable

  (C) amusing . . entertaining

  (D) delightful . . outstanding

  (E) average . . mediocre

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  2.Often inattentive when it comes to schoolwork, Maya was uncharacteristically ------- when she wrote her personal essay; rather than taking her typical ------- approach, she paid extremely close attention to every last detail.

  (A) thorough . . cautious

  (B) painstaking . . precise

  (C) inconsiderate . . thoughtful

  (D) nonchalant . . ficient

  (E) meticulous . . careless

  3.I found that the writer’s ideas were sufficiently ------- to make me bear with his ------- language.

  (A) intriguing . . skill with

  (B) interesting . . abuses of

  (C) humble . . mastery of

  (D) shallow . . errors in

  (E) misguided . . style of

  4.Scientists have discovered that our sense of smell is surprisingly ------- , capable of distinguishing thousands of chemical odors.

  (A) rigid

  (B) inert

  (C) erratic

  (D) keen

  (E) innate

  5.So that she would not be considered ------- in her actions, the department head made sure that the members of the advisory committee ------- her plans bore she started to implement them.

  Answer Choices

  (A) capricious . . ridiculed

  (B) deliberative . . ignored

  (C) impulsive . . approved

  (D) tardy . . designed

  (E) provocative . . mislaid


  1.The correct answer is B

  The key to the sentence is the word "Although," which suggests a contrast of some sort between what Suzette&aposs parents believed and what her teachers thought. Choice (B) is the only pair of contrasting terms. In this context, "brilliant" means dined by striking and unusual mental keenness, and "unremarkable" means ordinary and unimpressive. The sentence indicates that the teachers did not share the parents&apos opinion: Suzette&aposs parents believed everything their daughter produced was striking and unusually smart, but her teachers thought her work was ordinary and not deserving of special notice.

  2.The correct answer is E

  To be “meticulous” is to pay extreme care in the consideration or treatment of details. In this context, “careless” means not showing care or attention. The sentence indicates that Maya is often inattentive in her schoolwork; in other words, she tends not to pay attention to her work, or typically is careless. It certainly would be uncharacteristic, then, for Maya to give extremely carul consideration to details when writing her essay — that is, it would be out of the ordinary for her to be so meticulous.

  3.The correct answer is B

  The key words are “sufficiently,” which indicates a positive response to the writer’s ideas, and “bear with,” which conveys negative feelings toward the writer’s language. Only “interesting...abuses of” provides a corresponding positive-negative relationship.

  4.The correct answer is D

  One of the meanings of “keen” is “acutely sensitive.” Therore, if our sense of smell is keen or acutely sensitive, it is capable of “distinguishing thousands of chemical odors.”

  5.The correct answer is C

  “Impulsive” means acting suddenly, abruptly, or without premeditation. To approve something is to consent to or confirm it. The sentence suggests that the department head was concerned about how her actions would be viewed. If she were concerned about the possibility of being considered too abrupt or thoughtless in her plans, or about thinking them through insufficiently bore acting on them, she certainly might have wanted to have her plans "approved" by others bore she implemented them, or carried them out. It makes sense to say that the department head had the advisory committee members confirm or sanction her plans so that she would not be considered impulsive.


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