
2017-08-06 作者: 264阅读


  1.The architect wanted to ------- his own initial vision and design but recognized the importance of ------- requests from his client; in the end, he had to make several concessions.

  Answer Choices

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  (A) maintain . . accommodating

  (B) develop . . submitting

  (C) protect . . excluding

  (D) ruse . . incorporating

  (E) preserve . . disregarding

  2.A discerning publishing agent can ------- promising material from a mass of submissions, separating the good from the bad.

  Answer Choices

  (A) supplant

  (B) dramatize

  (C) finagle

  (D) winnow

  (E) overhaul

  3.Although it seems to have been a fixture of the square since the city’s origin, the produce market actually opened only ------- .

  Answer Choices

  (A) enthusiastically

  (B) recently

  (C) frequently

  (D) illegally

  (E) graciously

  4.The “double feature,” which featured two films for the price of one, became popular in the 1930s as a scheme to ------- former moviegoers who had begun to stay home since the ------- of the Depression at the beginning of the decade.

  Answer Choices

  (A) lure . . advent

  (B) discourage . . end

  (C) dissuade . . dawn

  (D) perplex . . onset

  (E) instigate . . devastation

  5.Although the acreage involved in a national boundary dispute may seem insignificant, even the slightest ------- in a country’s alleged border appears ------- to that nation, a threat to its security.

  Answer Choices

  (A) inconsistency . . felicitous

  (B) variation . . trivial

  (C) rigidity . . traumatic

  (D) change . . favorable

  (E) breach . . ominous

  6.The show’s host was usually genial, but he had a reputation for turning ------- when provoked by guests who challenged his opinions.

  Answer Choices

  (A) surly

  (B) intrusive

  (C) lenient

  (D) convincing

  (E) giddy


  1.The correct answer is A

  The word “but” along with the word “concessions,” which rers to yielding to something, suggests that there is some contrast in the first part of the sentence. An architect certainly might want to “maintain” his initial vision and design, but as a result of needing to accommodate, or consider and allow for, requests from the client, he might have to change them. It makes sense to suggest that the architect made concessions and accommodated the client’s requests even though he wanted to keep his initial vision and design unchanged.

  2.The correct answer is D

  To "winnow" is to sort through and select the desirable part of something or to get rid of the unwanted or undesirable part. If the publishing agent goes through the submissions, "separating the good from the bad," then he or she can be said to be winnowing "promising material from a mass of submissions."

  3.The correct answer is B

  The market “seems” to have been opened long ago, but the term “Although” indicates that it was not. The market must have opened “recently.”

  4.The correct answer is A

  Choice (A) is correct. With money scarce, many people had stopped going to movies since the “advent,” or beginning, of the Depression in the 1930s. It is logical to assume that theater owners would come up with a scheme to “lure,” or entice, these people back into the theater with the promise of a good bargain—“two films for the price of one.”

  5.The correct answer is E

  While “ominous” comes closest to conveying threat, “traumatic” makes some sense; only “breach,” however, fits logically in the first blank

  6.The correct answer is A

  It makes sense to say that someone who is typically “genial,” or friendly, would turn “surly,” or irritable, when provoked.









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