
2017-08-05 作者: 273阅读


  1.Mrs. Williams found it ironic that her twelve-year-old son, who made all A’s on his report card, was so ------- at home, apparently unable to follow her most basic instructions concerning such commonsense matters as tidiness.

  Answer Choices

  (A) stubborn

  (B) astute

  (C) candid

  (D) obtuse

  (E) sullen

  2.Although the scientist claimed to have made a major breakthrough in his research, the evidence he offered as proof of his assertion was ------- at best.

  Answer Choices

  (A) conclusive

  (B) indubitable

  (C) paltry

  (D) copious

  (E) extensive

  3.The rumor was of the ------- variety, spreading slowly and almost imperceptibly until, finally, everyone seemed to have heard the story.

  Answer Choices

  (A) manifest

  (B) dilatory

  (C) insidious

  (D) aggressive

  (E) expeditious

  4.Because she has a great need for ------- , she loathes the public appearances demanded of her as a leading literary figure.

  Answer Choices

  (A) luxury

  (B) privacy

  (C) reward

  (D) devotion

  (E) distraction

  5.Enrique did not take Marisol seriously when she told him she was going to bed to sleep for a week: he knew she was prone to -------.

  Answer Choices

  (A) earnestness

  (B) belligerence

  (C) simile

  (D) hyper

  (E) understatement

  6.When, in 1864, a factory established by Alfred Nobel to manufacture nitroglycerin blew up, the scientist discovered that the explosive was as ------- as it was powerful, ------- to detonate without warning.

  Answer Choices

  (A) dormant . . ready

  (B) fickle . . unlikely

  (C) volatile . . liable

  (D) unprecedented . . intended

  (E) inactive . . designed

  7.The notoriously temperamental American actor Edwin Forrest was known for his ------- both on stage and off.

  Answer Choices

  (A) apologies

  (B) musings

  (C) inequities

  (D) histrionics

  (E) philosophies


  1.The correct answer is D

  Choice (D) is correct. It is logical that a mother would see irony in the contrast between her son’s success at school and his obtuseness, or apparent inability to comprehend, at home

  2.The correct answer is C

  “Paltry,” or meager, fits within the context of this sentence because it questions or qualifies the scientist’s claim of achieving a “major breakthrough.”

  3.The correct answer is C

  Choice (C) is correct. A rumor that spreads slowly and subtly can be described as “insidious.”

  4.The correct answer is B

  The first part of the sentence describes a cause and the second part describes resulting behavior. The literary figure desires “privacy” and so she finds public appearances loathsome.

  5.The correct answer is D

  “Hyper” is extravagant exaggeration, often not intended to be taken literally. If Marisol is prone, or has a tendency or inclination, to greatly exaggerate things or make extravagantly exaggerated statements, Enrique would know not to take seriously her statement that she was going to sleep for a week.

  6.The correct answer is C

  Choice (C) is correct. It makes sense to say that when his factory exploded, Nobel discovered how “volatile,” or unpredictable, nitroglycerin could be; in fact, it was “liable” to, or prone to, detonate unexpectedly.

  7.The correct answer is D

  The term “histrionics” in this context rers to Forrest’s theatrical performances as well as to the emotional outbursts that likely accompanied his temper.












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