
2017-08-05 作者: 247阅读


  1.Andrew Jackson’s ideal vision of an American nation composed of farmers and artisans had become increasingly ------- by the 1860s, when the new ------- economy was turning craftspersons and planters into factory laborers.


  Answer Choices

  (A) antiquated . . agricultural

  (B) feasible . . industrial

  (C) elusive . . artistic

  (D) fanciful . . manufacturing

  (E) progressive . . urban

  2.To some scholars of medieval Britain, the legendary King Arthur is a genuine historical figure, while to others he and his Round Table are nothing more than ------- of myth and romance.

  Answer Choices

  (A) harbingers

  (B) trifles

  (C) spoilers

  (D) figments

  (E) inventors

  3.Troy was ------- when he wasn’t elected class president: his spirits were so low that there was nothing we could say or do to cheer him up.

  Answer Choices

  (A) unctuous

  (B) disconsolate

  (C) ebullient

  (D) inscrutable

  (E) tenacious

  4.So that she would not be considered ------- in her actions, the department head made sure that the members of the advisory committee ------- her plans bore she started to implement them.

  Answer Choices

  (A) capricious . . ridiculed

  (B) deliberative . . ignored

  (C) impulsive . . approved

  (D) tardy . . designed

  (E) provocative . . mislaid

  5.I found that the writer’s ideas were sufficiently ------- to make me bear with his ------- language.

  (A) intriguing . . skill with

  (B) interesting . . abuses of

  (C) humble . . mastery of

  (D) shallow . . errors in

  (E) misguided . . style of


  1.The correct answer is D

  Choice (D) is correct. If Jackson’s vision were of a nation peopled by farmers and artisans, it makes sense to say that that vision had become more “fanciful,” or imaginative, than practical at a time when manufacturing was drawing people to factory jobs.

  2.The correct answer is D

  The sentence focuses on the contrast between what two groups of scholars think about King Arthur. Some scholars think King Arthur is a real “historical figure”—a real person—while others think he is not. Those who think King Arthur and his Round Table are not real would probably call them “figments,” or things that are made up.

  3.The correct answer is B

  To be “disconsolate” is to be cheerless and dejected, or cast down in spirits. The sentence indicates that Troy’s spirits were very low — so low, in fact, that nobody could do anything to bring him cheer. It makes sense, then, to describe Troy as disconsolate, or cheerless and dejected, after losing the election.

  4.The correct answer is C

  “Impulsive” means acting suddenly, abruptly, or without premeditation. To approve something is to consent to or confirm it. The sentence suggests that the department head was concerned about how her actions would be viewed. If she were concerned about the possibility of being considered too abrupt or thoughtless in her plans, or about thinking them through insufficiently bore acting on them, she certainly might have wanted to have her plans "approved" by others bore she implemented them, or carried them out. It makes sense to say that the department head had the advisory committee members confirm or sanction her plans so that she would not be considered impulsive.

  5.The correct answer is B

  The key words are “sufficiently,” which indicates a positive response to the writer’s ideas, and “bear with,” which conveys negative feelings toward the writer’s language. Only “interesting...abuses of” provides a corresponding positive-negative relationship.









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