
2017-08-06 作者: 280阅读


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  1.If , , and are numbers such that and , then is equal to which of the following?






  2.A woman drove to work at an average speed of miles per hour and returned along the same route at miles per hour. If her total traveling time was hour, what was the total number of miles in the round trip?

  Answer Choices






  3.What is the equation of the line parallel to the -axis and four units above the -axis?






  4.If , what is the value of ?

  Answer Choices





  (E) It cannot be determined from the information given.

  5.A florist buys roses at apiece and sells them for apiece. If there are no other expenses, how many roses must be sold in order to make a profit of ?






  6.The stopping distance of a car is the number of feet that the car travels after the driver starts applying the brakes. The stopping distance of a certain car is directly proportional to the square of the speed of the car, in miles per hour, at the time the brakes are first applied. If the car’s stopping distance for an initial speed of miles per hour is feet, what is its stopping distance for an initial speed of miles per hour?

  Answer Choices

  (A) feet

  (B) feet

  (C) feet

  (D) feet

  (E) feet

  7.If is the set of positive integers that are multiples of , and if is the set of positive integers that are multiples of , how many integers are in the intersection of and ?

  (A) None

  (B) One

  (C) Seven

  (D) Thirteen

  (E) More than thirteen

  8., , , , , ...

  The first term of the sequence above is . Which of the following could be the formula for finding the term of this sequence for any positive integer ?

  Answer Choices







  1.The correct answer is A

  From is implied that (1)

  And from is implied that (2)

  If we multiply (1) and (2) together, we have that ( is canceled out).

  2.The correct answer is C

  Let represent the time it took the woman to drive to work. Since her total traveling time was hour, the time it took her to return home is . The distance in miles can be found using the formula . The distance traveled to work is , and the return distance is . Since the distance to work is the same as the return distance, . Solving for yields . So the distance one way is miles. The total number of miles in the round trip is , or miles.

  3.The correct answer is E

  A line that is parallel to the-axis and four units above the-axis is the vertical translation of the-axis four units upward. Since the-axis is a horizontal line and has equation, it follows that the line parallel to the-axis and four units above the-axis has equation.

  4.The correct answer is A

  Since , it follows that , and so . Therore, .

  5.The correct answer is E

  Each rose brings a profit of minus , or . The number of roses that need to be sold to make a profit of is . This is roses.

  6.The correct answer is D

  The stopping distance is directly proportional to the square of the initial speed of the car. If represents the initial speed of the car, in miles per hour, and represents the stopping distance, you have that the stopping distance is a function of and that , where is a constant. Since the car’s stopping distance is feet for an initial speed of miles per hour, you know that . Therore, , and the car&aposs stopping distance for an initial speed of miles per hour is feet.

  7.The correct answer is E

  The intersection of setsandis the set of integers that are inand also in. Setconsists of all positive integers that are multiples of, and setconsists of all positive integers that are multiples of, so the intersection ofandis the set of positive integers that are multiples of bothand. This is the set of all positive integers that are multiples of. There are an infinite number of positive integers that are multiples of, so there are more than thirteen integers in the intersection ofand.

  8.The correct answer is B

  You do not know the value of the term or the term of the sequence, but you do know the values of the , , and terms. The correct formula must give as the value of the term, as the value of the term, and as the value of the term. Choice E, , gives , not , as the value of the term. Choice A, , gives , not , as the value of the term. Choice C, , gives , not , as the value of the term. Choice D, , gives , not , as the value of the term. This leaves choice B, , which gives the correct values for the, , and terms of the sequence.








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