
2017-08-06 作者: 388阅读


  1.On the last day of a one-week sale, customers numbered through were waited on. How many customers were waited on that day?

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  Answer Choices






  2.For how many positive two-digit integers is the ones digit greater than twice the tens digit?






  3.If is a number from Column and is a number from Column in the table above, how many different values are possible for ?

  A. Nine

  B. Eight

  C. Seven

  D. Six

  E. Five

  4.If is an odd integer, which of the following is an even integer?






  5.The length of a rectangle is increased by 20%, and the width of the rectangle is increased by 30%. By what percentage will the area of the rectangle be increased?

  (A) 25%

  (B) 36%

  (C) 50%

  (D) 56%

  (E) 60%

  6.If and , then exceeds by

  A 1/4

  B 1/8

  C 1/16

  D 1/32

  E 1/64

  7.If 2^a = 4^b, which of the following expresses a in terms of b?

  Answer Choices

  (A) b over 2

  (B) b

  (C) 2 times b

  (D) 4 times b

  (E) 2^b

  8.A mechanic can install carburetors in 3 cars every 4 hours. At that rate, how long will it take the mechanic to install carburetors in 5 cars?

  (A) 6 hr 20 min

  (B) 6 hr 40 min

  (C) 7 hr 15 min

  (D) 7 hr 30 min

  (E) 7 hr 45 min

  9.What is the maximum number of nonoverlapping squares with sides of length 3 that will fit inside of a square with sides of length 6?

  (A) Two

  (B) Three

  (C) Four

  (D) Six

  (E) Nine


  1.The correct answer is C

  The number of customers who were waited on that day is , as the total number of customers is those customers numbered to inclusive.

  2.The correct answer is A

  The correct answer is (A). If the tens digit is , there are positive two-digit integers with the ones digit greater than twice the tens digit: and . If the tens digit is , there are positive two-digit integers with the ones digit greater than twice the tens digit: and . If the tens digit is , there are positive two-digit integers with the ones digit greater than twice the tens digit: and . If the tens digit is , there is positive two-digit integer with the ones digit greater than twice the tens digit: . If the tens digit is equal to or greater than , then the ones digi

  3.The correct answer is E

  First, add the labeled points , , , , , and to the figure, as shown above. Then segment bisects , so , and . Thus, . Similarly, , because and are of equal measure and the sum of their measures is . From the figure, it follows that . Therore, .

  4.The correct answer is E

  If is an odd integer, then and are odd integers. Similarly, choices and are odd integers. Since an odd integer subtracted from another odd integer is always an even integer, is even.

  5.The correct answer is D

  Let and be the original length and width of the rectangle, respectively. If we denote by and the new length and width of the rectangle, respectively, then we have:


  So, the new area will be:  


  where () is the original area of the rectangle.

  So the area is increased by .

  6.The correct answer is E

  “exceeds ” is interpreted mathematically as the value of and is evaluated as follows:


  7.The correct answer is D

  Choice (C) is correct. Since 4 = 2^2, it follows that 4^b = (2^2)^b = 2^(2 times b). Therore, 2^a = 4^b = 2^(2 times b), from which it follows that a = 2 times b.

  8.The correct answer is B

  From the information given, you can write the proportion 3 cars is to 4 hours as 5 cars is to x hours, where x represents the number of hours the mechanic will take to install carburetors in 5 cars. This gives 3 cars over 4 hours = 5 cars over x hours, which simplifies to 3 times x = 4 times 5 = 20. Therore, x = 20 over 3 = 6 and (2 over 3) hours. Since 2 over 3 hour is 40 minutes, x is 6 hours 40 minutes.

  9.The correct answer is C

  Choice (C) is correct. A square with sides of length 3 has area 9, and a square with sides of length 6 has area 36. Thus at most 36 ÷ 9 = 4 squares of side length 3 can fit inside a square of side length 6 without overlapping. And in fact, it is possible to fit the four squares of side length 3 inside a square of side length 6 with no overlap; if the four squares with sides of length 3 are arranged in two rows with two squares in each row, they will fit inside of the square with sides of length 6 without overlapping. Therore, the maximum number of nonoverlapping squares with sides of length 3 that will fit inside of a square with sides of length 6 is four.









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