
2017-08-06 作者: 297阅读


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  1.In the figure above, the length ofisand the length ofis. If a point is chosen at random from, what is the probability that the point will lie on?






  2.What is the volume of a cube with surface area ?

  (A) 9 * (x^2)

  (B) 27 * x^3

  (C) 81 * (x^2)

  (D) 81 * (x^3)

  (E) 729 * (x^3)

  3.A group of workers can harvest all the grapes fromsquare meters of a vineyard inminute. At this rate, how many minutes will the group need to harvest all the grapes fromsquare meters of this vineyard?

  Answer Choices






  4.The function f is graphed in the x y-plane above. If the function g is dined by function g of x = function f of x + 4, for how many values of x between negative 5 and 15 does function g of x equal 0?

  (A) None

  (B) One

  (C) Two

  (D) Three

  (E) More than three

  5.The sum of the positive odd integers less thanis subtracted from the sum of the positive even integers less than or equal to. What is the resulting difference?







  1.The correct answer is C

  The probability that a point chosen fromwill lie onis the ratio of the length ofto the length of. The length ofisand the length ofis, so the length ofis. Therore, the ratio of the length ofto the length ofis.

  2.The correct answer is B

  Every cube has identical square faces. Since the total surface area of this cube is , each face has area . Therore, each edge has length , or . The volume is , or .

  3.The correct answer is A

  Sincesquare meters istimessquare meters,times as much time is needed to harvest the grapes from thesquare meters of vineyard. minute, which equalsminutes.

  4.The correct answer is C

  The graph of the function g is the same as the graph of the function f translated up 4 units. The function f intersects the x-axis three times, but if the graph is shifted up 4 units, then the graph will intersect the x-axis only twice. Therore, function g of x is equal to 0 for exactly two values of x between negative 5 and 15.

  5.The correct answer is B

  The sum of the positive odd integers less thanis, and the sum of the positive even integers less than or equal tois. When the first sum is subtracted from the second, the terms can be regrouped to form, which is just, where there areones. Therore, the correct answer is.



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