
2017-08-05 作者: 211阅读


  1 One of the unforeseen consequences of the editor’s management style is that it leaves so little room for innovation.

  (A) that it leaves so little room for innovation

  (B) that they leave so little room for innovation

  (C) that sufficient room is not lt for their innovation

  (D) that innovation has so little room lt from it

  (E) to leave so little room for innovation

  2 The mayor claimed that a majority of the property owners would have favored her proposal if put to the vote.

  (A) would have favored her proposal if put

  (B) would have favored her proposal if it had been put

  (C) favored her proposal if it would have been put

  (D) favored her proposal if put

  (E) favored her proposal if they were put

  3 The psychologist states that most people want the same things: interesting and meaningful work, respect, and to have them be loved for themselves alone.

  (A) interesting and meaningful work, respect, and to have them be loved for themselves alone

  (B) to have interesting and meaningful work, respect, and loved for themselves alone

  (C) work that has interest and is meaningful, to have respect, and to be loved for themselves alone

  (D) interesting and meaningful work, respect, and their own love

  (E) to have interesting and meaningful work, to be respected, and to be loved for themselves alone

  4 By employing exotic harmonies and making unusual use of instrument, Mahler was a pathfinder from romanticism to modern music.

  (A) Mahler was a pathfinder

  (B) a path was created by Mahler

  (C) Mahler created a path

  (D) Mahler was the creator of a path

  (E) was how Mahler created a path








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