
2017-08-05 作者: 366阅读


  1. After the prince characterized modern architecture (as ugly)(A), he (has been severely)(B) criticized (for having been)(C) (so outspoken)(D) in public. (No error).(E)

  2. I have gone( to)(A)( only one)(B) football game (after) (C)I (graduated) (D)from high school. (No error).(E)

  3. Airport runways must be constantly swept constantly clear of trash and other debris that could be sucked into a jet-engine intake or it could cause a serious accident.

  (A) intake or it could cause a serious accident

  (B) intake, this causes a serious accident

  (C) intake and cause a serious accident

  (D) intake, preventing a serious accident

  (E) intake and avoiding a serious accident

  4. Except in mathematics, absolute proof is more often an ideal to be sought than a goal to be reached, a fact that the courts recognize by setting varying standards of proof for different kind of cases.

  (A) a fact that the courts recognize by setting

  (B) which the courts recognize and set

  (C) and this is recognized when the courts are setting

  (D) and this is recognized by the courts when they set

  (E) and the courts recognize this fact setting

  5. Although fascinated by chance and coincidence, Paul Auster’s novels are written with carul attention to style and balance.

  (A) Paul Auster’s novels are written

  (B) Paul Auster’s novels were written

  (C) Paul Auster writes his novels

  (D) Paul Auster is a writer

  (E) Paul Auster had wrote

  6. In eighteenth-century France, economic inequalities made many people angry, and a violent revolution was fueled.

  (A) angry, and a violent revolution was fueled

  (B) angry; it fueled a violent revolution

  (C) angry, and this anger fueled a violent revolution

  (D) angry, that anger fueled a violent revolution

  (E) angry; thus fueling a violent revolution








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