
2017-08-05 作者: 249阅读

  SAT语法练习是大家在备考SAT考试的时候一定要进行的一项工作,因为SAT 语法练习不仅仅是考试内容,还关系到SAT其他考试项目的答题顺利与否。

  1. In everything from finding comets to spotting supernovae, amateur astronomers have become so accomplished, and professional astronomers sometimes seek their help。

  (A) accomplished, and

  (B) accomplished, also

  (C) accomplished that

  (D) accomplished therore

  (E) accomplished when

  2. Since scientific advances are central to progress, basic research deserving continuing support。

  (A) basic research deserving continuing support

  (B) basic research being what deserves continuing support

  (C) basic research deserves continuing support

  (D) continuing support is deserved by basic research

  (E) continuing support is what they deserve in basic research

  3. With Americans consuming sugar in record amounts, nutritionists are urging the public to reduce its consumption of sodas, which have largely replaced other, more healthful, beverages。

  (A) nutritionists are urging the public to reduce its consumption of sodas, which

  (B) nutritionists have been urging that the public reduces its consumption of sodas; those

  (C) the public ought to reduce its consuming of sodas, as urged by nutritionists, because they

  (D) nutritionists urge about reducing public soda consumption, which

  (E) less soda should be consumed by the public, urge nutritionists, which

  4. Experts disagree about what is the dinition of intelligence and how to measure it。

  (A) what is the dinition of intelligence and how to measure it

  (B) how to dine intelligence, and also its measurement

  (C) how to dine and measure intelligence

  (D) dining intelligence as well as measurement

  (E) the dinition of intelligence and measuring it

  参考答案:1.(C), 2.(C), 3.(A), 4.(C),



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