
2017-08-06 作者: 310阅读


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  1.A machine can insert letters in envelopes at the rate ofper minute. Another machine can stamp the envelopes at the rate ofper second. How many such stamping machines are needed to keep up withinserting machines of this kind?






  2.The graph above shows the distribution of the number of days spent on business trips in 2010 by a group of employees of Company W. Based on the graph, what is the median number of days spent on business trips in 2010 for these employees?

  Answer Choices

  (A) 22

  (B) 22.5

  (C) 22.75

  (D) 23

  (E) 23.5


  3.In the figure, the slope of the line through points. What is the value of?







  4.Which of the following statements must be true of the lengths of the segments on line above?  




  Answer Choices

  (A) only

  (B) only

  (C) only

  (D) and only

  (E) , , and

  5.In the quadratic equation above,is a constant. The graph of the equation in thecontains the pointsand. What is the value of?







  1.The correct answer is A

  First you can changeminute toseconds so that the ratios are both in envelopes per second. One inserting machine inserts letters at the rate ofperseconds, orper second. Somachines would insertletters per second.

  Letbe the number of stamping machines needed to keep up withinserting machines. Then, since one machine stampsenvelopes per second,machines stampenvelopes per second. You can write the equation, which gives.

  2.The correct answer is A

  Choice (A) is correct. There are 5 + 6 + 5 + 8 + 6 + 1 = 31 employees represented in the graph. If the employees are put in order according to the number of days spent on business trips from least to greatest (or from greatest to least), the median number of days spent on business trips is the number of days spent by the employee in the middle of the list. Since 312 = 15.5, this is the 16th employee (there will be 15 employees bore and 15 employees after the 16th employee in a list of 31 employees). From the graph, it can be seen that the 16th employee is in the group that spent 22 days on business trips (since 5 employees spent 20 days on business trips, 6 employees spent 21 days and 5 employees spent 22 days). Therore, the median number of days spent on business trips in 2010 for these employees is 22

  3.The correct answer is B

  The slope of a line in a coordinate plane is given by the fraction whose numerator is the change inbetween any two points on the line and whose denominator is the change inbetween the same points on the line.

  The question asks for the value of, which is the-coordinate of point.

  The change inbetween pointsandis. The change inbetween these points is. Since the slope is, it follows that. Solving this equation gives. Therore,, and.

  4.The correct answer is B

  Consider each statement separately. For example, consider statement , . From the figure, you can see that segment is made up of the segments , , and . This tells you that cannot equal , since cannot equal zero. Statement is not true.

  Consider statement , . Since is between and , it follows that . Since is between and , it follows that . Therore, . Since both and equal , they are equal to each other. Statement is true.

  Consider statement , . The lt side of the equation, , is equivalent to . The right side of the equation, , is equivalent to . Since cannot equal zero, is not equal to . Statement is not true.

  Statement is the only one that is true.

  Read the following SAT test question and then click on a button to select your answer.


  5.The correct answer is A

  The correct answer is (A). Since the graph ofin thecontains the point, it follows that substituting the valueintoyields. Hence, which simplifies to, or. Therore,.

  Alternatively, since the graph ofin thecontains the pointsand, and the coficient ofis, the equation is equivalent to, which multiplies out to. Therore,.



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