2017-08-05 343阅读
1.Johannes Gutenberg is generally credited to bring together the two main concepts of modern printing: movable pieces of metal type that could be reused, and a printing press for producing sharp impressions on paper over and over.
Answer Choices
(A) to bring
(B) as he brought
(C) by bringing
(D) with bringing
(E) for the fact of bringing
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2.According to the study, personality traits may vary as much from one dog to another as from one person to another.
Answer Choices
(A) as
(B) as it is
(C) as when they are
(D) than
(E) than they do
3.Rote learning, the process of memorizing by repetition, is how many young children learn the alphabet or the multiplication tables.
Answer Choices
(A) is how
(B) is used for when
(C) this is how
(D) the way
(E) which is used when
4.One of the most common types of mistakes that inexperienced physicians make is misreading symptoms, another that occurs about as frequently is recommending inappropriate treatment.
Answer Choices
(A) symptoms, another that occurs
(B) symptoms; another one that occurs
(C) symptoms, the other, and it occurs
(D) symptoms; another one which is occurring
(E) symptoms and also occurring
5.With the 1977 publication of Song of Solomon, Toni Morrison both received popular and critical acclaim.
Answer Choices
(A) both received popular and
(B) both received popular and also
(C) received popular, along with
(D) received popular as well as
(E) received both popular and also
6.Scenes from the everyday lives of African Americans, which are realistically depicted in the paintings of Henry Ossawa Tanner.
Answer Choices
(A) Scenes from the everyday lives of African Americans, which are realistically depicted in the paintings of Henry Ossawa Tanner.
(B) Scenes from the everyday lives of African Americans being realistically depicted in the paintings of Henry Ossawa Tanner.
(C) The paintings of Henry Ossawa Tanner realistically depict scenes from the everyday lives of African Americans.
(D) Henry Ossawa Tanner, in his realistic paintings, depicting scenes from the everyday lives of African Americans.
(E) Henry Ossawa Tanner, whose paintings realistically depict scenes from the everyday lives of African Americans.
7.In Costa Rica, coffee, from the highlands, and bananas, produced mainly in the Caribbean lowlands, as the most important crops, they account for nearly half the total value of all exports.
Answer Choices
(A) as the most important crops, they account
(B) as the most important crops, which account
(C) are the most important crops, accounting
(D) are the most important of their crops by accounting
(E) have been the most important crops, which accounts
8.Looking up from the base of the mountain, the trail seemed more treacherous than it really was.
Answer Choices
(A) Looking up
(B) While looking up
(C) By looking up
(D) Viewing
(E) Viewed
9.Mahpiua Luta, better known for being Red Cloud, was chi of the Oglala Sioux during the 1860s.
Answer Choices
(A) for being
(B) that he was
(C) as being
(D) to be
(E) as
10.One of the most common types of mistakes that inexperienced physicians make is misreading symptoms, another that occurs about as frequently is recommending inappropriate treatment.
Answer Choices
(A) symptoms, another that occurs
(B) symptoms; another one that occurs
(C) symptoms, the other, and it occurs
(D) symptoms; another one which is occurring
(E) symptoms and also occurring
1.The correct answer is D
Choice (D) is correct. It avoids the unidiomatic phrasing of the original by linking an appropriate prepositional phrase, “with bringing,” to the verb “credited.”
2.The correct answer is A
Choice (A) is correct. It avoids the errors of the other options by using the idiomatic “as” to complete the phrase “as much … as.”
3.The correct answer is A
Choice (A) is correct. It avoids the errors of the other options by using a main verb, “is,” to link the subject of the sentence, “Rote learning,” to a description of the ways in which this type of learning is used.
4.The correct answer is B
This sentence illustrates a comma splice, the incorrect use of a comma to connect two complete sentences. Choice (B) correctly uses a semicolon to coordinate two independent clauses and form a compound sentence (while at the same time keeping verb tenses parallel). The correct sentence reads: One of the most common types of mistakes that inexperienced physicians make is misreading symptoms; another one that occurs about as frequently is recommending inappropriate treatment.
5.The correct answer is D
Choice (D) is correct. It avoids the error of the original by replacing the awkward and misused “both … and” construction with the much simpler “as well as.”
6.The correct answer is C
For a sentence to be grammatically complete, it must include both a subject and a main verb. When a sentence lacks either a subject or a main verb, the result is a sentence fragment. In this example all options but (C) are sentence fragments.
In (A), the phrase "Scenes ... Americans " is modified by the dependent clause "which ... Tanner," but there is no main verb.
In (B), the phrase "Scenes ... Tanner" contains no main verb.
In (D), the noun "Henry Ossawa Tanner" is modified by "depicting" but is not combined with a main verb.
And in (E), the noun "Henry Ossawa Tanner" is modified by the dependent clause "whose ... Americans" but not combined with a main verb.
(C) is correct. It is the only choice in which a subject ("The paintings of Henry Ossawa Tanner") is combined with a verb ("depict") to express a complete thought.
7.The correct answer is C
Choice (C) is correct. It avoids the error of the original by providing a main verb (“are”) to agree with the subject of the sentence, “coffee … and bananas.”
8.The correct answer is E
When a modifying phrase begins a sentence, it must logically modify the sentence&aposs subject; otherwise, it is a dangling modifier. In this example, every option except (E) is a dangling modifier.
In (A), the phrase "Looking up from the base of the mountain" does not logically modify the subject "the trail." A person might stand at the base of a mountain and look up at a trail, but it is illogical to suggest that a trail looks up from the base of a mountain.
(B), (C), and (D) are simply variations of the error found in (A). Each results in a sentence that illogically suggests that a trail was looking up from the base of a mountain.
(E) is correct. Although a trail cannot itself look up from the base of a mountain, a trail can be viewed by someone looking up from the base of a mountain, so the phrase "Viewed from the base of the mountain" logically modifies the subject "the trail."
9.The correct answer is E
Choice (E) is correct. It avoids the error of the original by using an appropriate idiom, “known as,” to introduce “Red Cloud,” the more familiar name of “Mahpiua Luta.”
10.The correct answer is B
This sentence illustrates a comma splice, the incorrect use of a comma to connect two complete sentences. Choice (B) correctly uses a semicolon to coordinate two independent clauses and form a compound sentence (while at the same time keeping verb tenses parallel). The correct sentence reads: One of the most common types of mistakes that inexperienced physicians make is misreading symptoms; another one that occurs about as frequently is recommending inappropriate treatment.
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