
2017-08-06 作者: 301阅读


  1. By including pieces of cloth, newspaper, wallpaper, and other materials in his work, Picasso’s innovation had an important influence on twentieth-century art.

  (A) Picasso’s innovation had an important influence on

  (B) this innovation of Picasso’s was important in its influence over

  (C) Picasso’s important innovative influence was on

  (D) Picasso was influential, with his innovation, over

  (E) the innovative Picasso was an important influence on

  2. Once American films looked slick and commercial compared to European imports; now, almost the reverse is true.

  (A) now, almost the reverse is true

  (B) now they are almost the reverse

  (C) instead, there is almost the reversal now

  (D) now it is almost the reverse that is true

  (E) it has now been almost reversed

  3. The tiles are sorted not only by their surface appearance but also according to their hardness and their capacity of conducting heat.

  (A) according to their hardness and their capacity of conducting heat

  (B) according to their hardness and of their heat-conducting capacity

  (C) by their hardness and their capacity for conducting heat

  (D) by their hardness and capacity in heat conduction

  4. In the past, many famous painters meticulously ground their own colors, an attention to detail that is noteworthy.

  (A) an attention to detail that is noteworthy

  (B) inasmuch as they showed attention to detail, it is noteworthy

  (C) this makes it noteworthy in showing their attention to detail

  (D) an idea that is noteworthy in showing their attention to detail

  (E) which is noteworthy and it shows an attention to detail






SAT语法改进句子题 12月6日


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