
2017-08-05 作者: 315阅读

  SAT语法改进句子题型Improving Sentences对考生的语言掌握的水平要求比较高,所以多准备一些SAT语法改进句子题目进行练习是十分重要的。下面就为大家整理了5道SAT语法改进句子练习题,供大家参考。

  1. Trying to keep her balance on the icy surface, the last competitor&aposs ski-tip caught the pole and somersaulted into the soft snow.

  A. the last competitor&aposs ski-tip caught the pole and somersaulted into the soft snow.

  B. the ski-tip of the last competitor caught the pole and somersaulted in the soft snow.

  C. the last competitor caught the pole with the tip of her ski, and somersaulted into the soft snow.

  D. the last competitor caught the pole with her ski-tip, which made her somersault into the soft snow.

  E. the last competitor somersaulted into the soft snow when the tip of her ski was caught by the pole.

  2. The temperature dropped suddenly last night, which will mean that the shoots emerging from the soil will be killed by the frost.

  A. which will mean that the shoots emerging from the soil will be killed by the frost.

  B. which will mean that the frost will kill the shoots emerging from the soil.

  C. and this will mean that the shoots emerging from the soil will be killed by the frost.

  D. and the resulting frost will kill the shoots that are emerging from the soil.

  E. and as a result, the shoots will be killed by the frost, emerging from the soil.

  3. The impostor eluded detection for so long because she conducted herself as though she were a licensed practitioner.

  A. as though she were a licensed practitioner.

  B. as though she was a licensed practitioner.

  C. like she was a licensed practitioner.

  D. like as if she was a licensed practitioner.

  E. as if she was a practitioner with a license.

  4. Being abandoned by our friends is the cause of great sorrow for us.

  A. Being abandoned by our friends is the cause of great sorrow for us.

  B. Our being abandoned by our friends is the cause of great sorrow.

  C. Being abandoned by our friends, we feel great sorrow.

  D. Abandoned by our friends, sorrow is the result.

  E. We feel great sorrow when our friends abandon us.

  5. Among the many reasons for his deat in the election was his arrogant assumption that his constituents were incapable of understanding economic conditions, and his unwarranted attack on his chi opponent.

  A. was his arrogant assumption that his constituents were incapable of understanding economic conditions

  B. were his arrogant assumption that his constituents were incapable of understanding economic conditions

  C. were his arrogant assumptions that his constituents were incapable of understanding economical conditions

  D. were his arrogant assumption that his constituents would be incapable of understanding economics

  E. was the arrogant assumption that his constituents was incapable of understanding economic conditions







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