
2017-08-05 作者: 435阅读


  1.Their part of the reconstruction process that followed the Second World War, the nations of Western Europe took steps toward achieving greater political and economic integration.

  (A) Their

  (B) The

  (C) It was

  (D) As

  (E) On

  2.About 35 percent of the world’s orange juice is produced by Florida,comparing it withnearly 50 percent produced by Brazil, the world’s largest orange producer.

  (A) comparing it with

  (B) but

  (C) whereas

  (D) although

  (E) compared with

  3.The first public botanical garden in the United States, the Elgin Botanic Garden in New York City was established to provide plant materials for studying by medical students.

  (A) for studying by medical students

  (B) for medical students to study

  (C) to medical students for their study

  (D) for the study of medical students

  (E) that medical students will study

  4.The wide variety of spices and condiments used in sausage makingincluding salt and, it dependson the ethnic or regional origin of the recipe, coriander, nutmeg, cloves, garlic, vinegar, mace, pepper, chili peppers, or pistachio nuts.

  (A) including salt and, it depends

  (B) include salt, depending

  (C) includes salt, and it depends

  (D) includes salt and, depending

  (E) including salt and, depending



  1.The correct answer is D


  Choice (D) is correct. It avoids the error of the original by using the preposition “As” to indicate what the “steps toward … integration” were a part of.

  2.The correct answer is E


  Choice (E) is correct. It avoids the error of the original by removing the vague pronoun “it” so that the percentage of orange juice produced by Florida is directly compared with the percentage produced by Brazil.

  3.The correct answer is B


  Choice (B) is correct. It avoids the error of the original by replacing the awkward an

  4.The correct answer is D


  Choice (D) is correct. It avoids the error of the original by using a singular verb, “includes,” to agree with the singular noun, “variety,” and by eliminating the unnecessary pronoun “it.”




  1.Their part of the reconstruction process that followed the Second World War, the nations of Western Europe took steps toward achieving greater political and economic integration.

  (A) Their

  (B) The

  (C) It was

  (D) As

  (E) On

  2.About 35 percent of the world’s orange juice is produced by Florida,comparing it withnearly 50 percent produced by Brazil, the world’s largest orange producer.

  (A) comparing it with

  (B) but

  (C) whereas

  (D) although

  (E) compared with

  3.The first public botanical garden in the United States, the Elgin Botanic Garden in New York City was established to provide plant materials for studying by medical students.

  (A) for studying by medical students

  (B) for medical students to study

  (C) to medical students for their study

  (D) for the study of medical students

  (E) that medical students will study

  4.The wide variety of spices and condiments used in sausage makingincluding salt and, it dependson the ethnic or regional origin of the recipe, coriander, nutmeg, cloves, garlic, vinegar, mace, pepper, chili peppers, or pistachio nuts.

  (A) including salt and, it depends

  (B) include salt, depending

  (C) includes salt, and it depends

  (D) includes salt and, depending

  (E) including salt and, depending





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