
2017-08-14 作者: 26阅读

  Lady Gaga delivered an electric halftime show during Sunday's Super Bowl between the Patriots and Falcons.

  周日,爱国者队和猎鹰队决战超级碗,Lady Gaga表演了一场燃到爆的中场秀。

  Gaga started on the roof of Houston's NRG Stadium, singing a mashup of American classics — "God Bless America," "This Land is Your Land," and a recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance — as red, white, and blue drones aligned in the background. She literally jumped down to midfield, tethered by a rope. And then she got into her set.


  Once she got to field level, she brought the house down. Flanked by a team of purple-and-black-clad dancers, Gaga was energetic. She started in a glistening blue costume and some matching, shining boots, with a partial makeup mask covering her eyes, but she changed wardrobes (along with her background dances) to a white-and-silver look later on in the show, with a top that looked kind of like a set of football shoulder pads.


  Her set list from the field at NRG Stadium: "Poker Face," "Born This Way," "Hello, Hello," "Just Dance," "Million Reasons," and "Bad Romance." She ended her show by throwing her microphone off the stage, catching a ball, and jumping out of the Fox frame.


  At one point, during "Million Reasons," a song about deciding whether to leave or stay with a lover, Gaga shouted out her parents, watching somewhere in the stadium or on TV. She hugged fans during the middle of songs, and she soaked everything in. Even for a huge star, this was a Moment with a capital M.



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