【双语阅读】投资者打哈欠 雅虎首席财务官的CFO莫尔斯.

2017-08-14 作者: 281阅读



  Investors yawn as Yahoo ousts CFO Morse

  by Jon Swartz, USA TODAY

 Paul Sakuma, AP

  Yahoo headquarters in Sunnyvale, Calif.

  SAN FRANCISCO -- Marissa Mayer&aposs first bold public move as Yahoo CEO -- the long-expected ouster of Chi Financial Officer Tim Morse late Tuesday -- got a tepid response from investors on Wednesday.

  Yahoo shares closed nearly flat at $15.61, down 7 cents.

  Mayer jettisoned Morse and brought in software-industry veteran Ken Goldman in what analysts expect will be the first of many moves in a managerial reclamation project at the Internet pioneer. Goldman, CFO of computer-security software maker Fortinet, starts at Yahoo on Oct. 22.

  "If anyone thought that Mayer had a silver bullet, they were kidding themselves," says Jonathan Yarmis, an analyst at HfS Research. "Turning around this battleship won&apost be easy."

  In meetings with Yahoo employees this week, Mayer vowed that the company would intensify its forts on mobile and personalization services and will look for small companies to acquire for their engineering talent, not necessarily their products.

  Mayer, a former Google executive named Yahoo boss in mid-July, also said Yahoo will nurture talent through "the four C&aposs: culture, company goals, calibration and compensation."

  "If she&aposs still thinking with her Google mindset, she could squander a lot of money on bad investments," Yarmis says. "If she can think like an underdog, she can capitalize on what clearly are some market inficiencies. She needs to channel her inner Billy Beane." (The Oakland A&aposs general manager is the architect of the Moneyball philosophy.)

  Yahoo declined to comment on Mayer&aposs plans. It says she will share more next month, at an undisclosed date, when the company reports its third-quarter results.

  Yahoo shares have been hovering between $15 and $16 through most of Mayer&aposs bri tenure, rlecting Wall Street&aposs uncertainty about her strategy for the Silicon Valley company, which has 700 million users.

  Besides shaving costs during his tenure at Yahoo, Morse helped broker a deal that culminated in Yahoo selling half of its 40% stake in Alibaba Group, a major Internet player in China. The $7.6 billion sale netted Yahoo $4.3 billion, after taxes.

  Morse served as Yahoo&aposs interim CEO after the abrupt firing of Carol Bartz a year ago. He preceded Scott Thompson, who was hired in January but stepped down four months later amid an uproar about inaccurate information on his resume.

  Yahoo didn&apost immediately disclose whether Morse will receive a severance package. According to documents filed Wednesday, Goldman will get a salary of $600,000 and may be eligible for a bonus of up to $540,000 when he joins Yahoo.


  投资者打哈欠 雅虎首席财务官的CFO莫尔斯


保罗·佐,美联社 雅虎总部位于加州森尼维尔市

  旧金山——作为雅虎的CEO,Marissa Mayer的第一个大胆公开提议--期盼已久的下台的首席财务官Tim Morse周二晚些时候从投资者那里得到了一个周三不温不火的反应。












【双语阅读】投资者打哈欠 雅虎首席财务官的CFO莫尔斯 中文翻译对照:投资者打哈欠 雅虎首席财务官的CFO莫尔斯



  Investors yawn as Yahoo ousts CFO Morse

  by Jon Swartz, USA TODAY

 Paul Sakuma, AP

  Yahoo headquarters in Sunnyvale, Calif.

  SAN FRANCISCO -- Marissa Mayer&aposs first bold public move as Yahoo CEO -- the long-expected ouster of Chi Financial Officer Tim Morse late Tuesday -- got a tepid response from investors on Wednesday.

  Yahoo shares closed nearly flat at $15.61, down 7 cents.

  Mayer jettisoned Morse and brought in software-industry veteran Ken Goldman in what analysts expect will be the first of many moves in a managerial reclamation project at the Internet pioneer. Goldman, CFO of computer-security software maker Fortinet, starts at Yahoo on Oct. 22.

  "If anyone thought that Mayer had a silver bullet, they were kidding themselves," says Jonathan Yarmis, an analyst at HfS Research. "Turning around this battleship won&apost be easy."

  In meetings with Yahoo employees this week, Mayer vowed that the company would intensify its forts on mobile and personalization services and will look for small companies to acquire for their engineering talent, not necessarily their products.

  Mayer, a former Google executive named Yahoo boss in mid-July, also said Yahoo will nurture talent through "the four C&aposs: culture, company goals, calibration and compensation."

  "If she&aposs still thinking with her Google mindset, she could squander a lot of money on bad investments," Yarmis says. "If she can think like an underdog, she can capitalize on what clearly are some market inficiencies. She needs to channel her inner Billy Beane." (The Oakland A&aposs general manager is the architect of the Moneyball philosophy.)

  Yahoo declined to comment on Mayer&aposs plans. It says she will share more next month, at an undisclosed date, when the company reports its third-quarter results.

  Yahoo shares have been hovering between $15 and $16 through most of Mayer&aposs bri tenure, rlecting Wall Street&aposs uncertainty about her strategy for the Silicon Valley company, which has 700 million users.

  Besides shaving costs during his tenure at Yahoo, Morse helped broker a deal that culminated in Yahoo selling half of its 40% stake in Alibaba Group, a major Internet player in China. The $7.6 billion sale netted Yahoo $4.3 billion, after taxes.

  Morse served as Yahoo&aposs interim CEO after the abrupt firing of Carol Bartz a year ago. He preceded Scott Thompson, who was hired in January but stepped down four months later amid an uproar about inaccurate information on his resume.

  Yahoo didn&apost immediately disclose whether Morse will receive a severance package. According to documents filed Wednesday, Goldman will get a salary of $600,000 and may be eligible for a bonus of up to $540,000 when he joins Yahoo.





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