【双语阅读】北京不堪重负 中国应该迁都.

2017-08-14 作者: 221阅读

  SEVEN years ago Beijing’s government set a target of making the city a “liveable” one by 2020, with “fresh air and a beautiful environment”. Few praise its progress. Complaints abound about its congestion, pollution, desperate shortage of water and hugely expensive housing. Even in the state-controlled media, suggestions are sometimes made that it is time to build a new capital.


  Beijing has been China’s capital for most of the past 600 years. Since the Communist victory in 1949, the Chinese have been taught to revere the city as an embodiment of China’s power, the party’s might and their country’s glorious history. To propose a move strikes many as heretical. In recent years, however, some have broken ranks. In 2000 even China’s then prime minister, Zhu Rongji, joined the sceptics. The capital, he declared, might have to move if measures to curb its sandstorms failed.


  Since then officials have claimed some success in reducing the frequency of these lung-clogging calamities. But other problems have grown. Beijingers fed up with traffic gridlock sometimes pronounce the word shoudu, meaning capital, in a different tone so that it sounds like “the most congested”. For much of the year a grey blanket of pollutants shrouds the city. The rate of birth dects has doubled over the past decade. The environment is thought to be a contributory factor. Several scholars have suggested, in newspapers as well as online, that these and other problems would best be solved by relocating the central government.


  Yet apart from Mr Zhu, officials have kept quiet on the subject. Hu Xingdou of the Beijing Institute of Technology says there has been no official response to an open letter he wrote to the Chinese leadership in 2006. In it he suggested that the capital should be built anew in central China. Mr Hu says this position would have the advantage of being harder to attack (he sees Beijing as perilously exposed to assault from the sea). The building of a new and much smaller capital, he says, could also send a positive political message: that the party has turned its back on Beijing’s “feudal” past and embraced small government. Mr Hu proposes to call it Zhongjing, or “central capital” (Beijing means the northern one).


  Yuan Gang of Peking University describes Beijing as a city of “special privileges” that is literally sucking neighbouring regions dry. He says the billions of dollars now being spent to channel water from China’s south to the arid north around Beijing could have been better spent moving the capital to where the water is. The first of these diversion schemes is due to be launched next year, but the extra water provided will still be far from enough to satisfy Beijing’s demand. The resident population of Beijing, including its rural areas and satellite towns, reached 20m last year. Even with the increase in supply, the city would have adequate water resources only for a population of 18.3m, says the city’s Commission of Population and Family Planning (see chart).


  Beijing’s bureaucrats are unlikely to be persuaded. Their privileges, common to all those registered as Beijing citizens (ie, not migrants from other provinces), include readier access than most other Chinese have to some of the country’s best educational and medical facilities. Some local officials in places favoured by scholars as potential capital sites have been proclaiming their merits. But given the allure of Beijing’s amenities, it is little wonder that the central authorities keep quiet.



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