
2017-08-14 作者: 7388阅读


  The first Culture of Chinese Noodles Festival has released its list of the top ten most popular Chinese noodles.

  The list covers famed dishes from all across China, including Wuhan hot noodles, Beijing noodles, Shanxi sliced noodles, Henan Xiaoji stewed noodles, Lanzhou ramen, Hangzhou Pian Er Chuan, Kunshan Aozao noodles, Zhenjiang pot cover noodles, Sichuan spicy dandan noodles and Jilin Yanji cold noodles.

  The big surprise was that Shaanxi failed to get a single dish on the list. The province has a rich noodle culture with more than 100 different types. Saozi noodles and Biangbiang noodles are widely-known and well-loved by eaters everywhere. But despite their omission, there are plenty of other delicious noodles to enjoy.


  武汉热干面 Wuhan Hot Noodles


  北京炸酱面 Beijing Noodles


  山西刀削面 Shanxi Sliced Noodles


  河南烩面 Henan Xiaoji Stewed Noodles


  兰州拉面 Lanzhou Ramen


  杭州片儿川 Hangzhou Pian Er Chuan


  昆山奥灶面 Kunshan Aozao Noodles


  镇江锅盖面 Zhenjiang Pot Cover Noodles


  四川担担面 Sichuan Spicy Dandan Noodles


  吉林延吉冷面 Jilin Yanji Cold Noodles


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