
2017-08-14 作者: 515阅读

  Jennifer: Hi, I&aposm Jennifer and this is Authentic Real English. In this programme, we teach you about English words or phrases which you might not find in the dictionary. Here comes Feifei.

  Feifei: Hello Jen. 大家好!Jen 我有事儿要告诉你。

  Jennifer: Oh yes, what is it?

  Feifei: 我刚才在接水喝的时候听见老板说他准备让咱们每个人去度假两周,而且是免费的!

  Jennifer: A free holiday?

  Feifei: Yes, I&aposm sure that&aposs what he said.

  Jennifer: Don&apost make me laugh!

  Feifei: It does sound too good to be true. Jen 刚才说 “don&apost make me laugh” 意思是“你太可笑了,别逗了”。在英语里,别人告诉你一件事情,而你觉得这个事儿肯定不会发生,这时你就可以说 don&apost make me laugh.

  Jennifer: And I don&apost think the boss is going to give us a holiday, especially a free one. The boss giving us special treats…? Don&apost make me laugh.

  Feifei: Let&aposs hear some more examples of this phrase.

  A: I heard that Justin Bieber is going to play a gig at our Christmas party!

  B: Don&apost make me laugh - he&aposs far too famous to come here.

  A: Do you think that the Scotland football team could win the World Cup one day?

  B: Don&apost make me laugh - they&aposve never won anything!

  Feifei: So, &aposdon&apost make me laugh&apos 这个表达用来表示你觉得某件事儿肯定不会发生。

  Jennifer: Like our boss giving away free holidays. So I wonder what he did mean?

  Feifei: 哎,你快看,老板发了封邮件。他说 “I&aposm going away for two weeks. You will all need to work extra hard during this time, and don&apost call me - I want a work-free holiday.”

  Jennifer: You see? I told you he wouldn&apost give away free holidays. He wants a work-free holiday: that means he doesn&apost want to think about work while he&aposs away.

  Feifei: 没办法,刚才是我听错了。免费度假这个希望是完全破灭了!

  Jennifer: So, are you planning to work &aposextra hard&apos while he&aposs away?

  Feifei: Oh, don&apost make me laugh! I&aposm not working hard, I&aposm going to take advantage and have a relaxing two weeks without the boss here!

  Jennifer: That sounds like a good plan. Join us again for another edition of Authentic Real English from BBC Learning English. Bye for now!

  Feifei: Bye!


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