
2017-08-14 作者: 244阅读



  In the last year, we met more difficulties but delivered a better performance than expected.


  we endeavored to resolve deep-seated problems and difficulties, took rorm and opening up as the fundamental way to advance evelopment, and gave full rein to both the invisible hand of the market and the visible hand of the government to promote steady economic growth.


  We v.ill strictly follow laws and regulations and comply with standards, and apply the strictest ,possible oversight, punishment and accountability to prevent and control food contamination and ensure that every bite of food we eat is safe.


  The government must first examine itself to identify the causes of these problems and work out ways to resolve them. It must follow people&aposs wishes in exercising governance. We must firmly bear in mind our duties and mission, increase our sense of vigilance against potential

  dangers, be eager to take on challenges, work tirelessly and fectively to solve problems, and truly live up to people&aposs expectations.


  China&aposs rorm has entered a critical stage and a deep water zone.We must rely fully on the people, break mental shackles and vested interests with great determination.


  We will expand the rebuilding of rundown urban areas so that cities will take on a new look instead of having stretches of rundown areas existing side by side with high-rise buildings.


  We will strengthen comprehensive maintenance of public order, crack down hard on violent crimes of terrorism, safeguard China&aposs national security, create good public order, and work together to ensure public security in China.


  The people are the foundation of a nation, and a nation carl enjoy peace only when its foundation is strong. The fundamental goal of a government&aposs work is to ensure that everyone lives a good life. We will continue to build institutions, improve weak links, help those in need of subsistence assistance, ensure everyone has access to basic necessities, and improve people&aposs living standards and quality oflife.


  We will declare war against pollution and fight it with the same determination we battled poverty.


  We will fully implement the basic strategy of law-based governance, act in accordance with the law in all our government work, and be guided by law in both thinking and action in performing our duties.


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