
2017-08-14 作者: 1636阅读

  十岁的小女孩欧宝(Anna Sophia Robb饰)三岁时母亲离家出走,成为她心灵的创伤。父亲的牧师职业让二人一直过着颠沛流离的生活,这次来到了佛罗里达的一个小镇。小镇上的居民生活沉闷,不善于表达自己的真心,欧宝晚上对着天空许愿:希望上天赐给她一个朋友。




  1. This is temporary. So don&apost go getting your hopes up.


  2. I made an exception for the kid. But there is no exception for that mongrel.


  3. I make the rules here, and it&aposs plain: no pets.


  4. Opal thinks the world of him.


  5. Get lost, you bald-headed babies!


  6. You&aposre just a couple of skinny-armed chickens.


  7. I don&apost know what&aposs gotten into him.


  8. You&aposre such a goody-goody.


  9. You&aposre so busted.


  10. Well... don&apost dwell on it, child.



  1. I can see only the general shape of things. So I rely on my heart. Why don&apost you go ahead and tell me everything about yourself, so I can see you with my heart?

  2. She said she couldn&apost stand havin&apos all those ladies at church judgin&apos her on how she sang and what she was wearing and what she cooked. She said it made her feel like a bug under a microscope.

  3. But, you know, we should judge Otis by the pretty music that he makes and how kind he is to all them animals. &aposCause that&aposs all we know about him now... right?

  4. Gloria said that Naomi was like one big mistake tree. And every person was its own bottle, hanging in the wind, all empty and alone. Miss Franny thought it had been that way ever since the candy factory closed years ago. People lost more than their jobs. They lost each other.

  5. I swept the floor real slow that day. I wanted to keep Otis company. I didn&apost want him to be lonely. Sometimes it seemed to me like everybody in the whole world was lonely.

  6. I thought about how life was like a Littmus lozenge (sugar), how the sweet and the sad were all mixed up together and how hard it was to separate them out.

  7. Miss Franny said the problem with people here is that they forgot how to share their sadness. but what I think is that people forgot how to share their joy.

  8. You cannot hold onto anything that wants to go. Do you understand what I&aposm sayin&apos? You just got to love it while you got it. And that&aposs that.


  Opal: Doesn&apost it look better?

  Winn-Dixie: (barks)

  Opal: Now where you takin&apos me. Winn-Dixie?

  Dewberry boys: That dog looks like a dirty carpet! (boys giggle) Yeah.

  Opal: I can hear you. I can hear you guys behind me.

  Dewberry boys: You better watch out! That dog&aposs headed right for the witch&aposs house.

  Opal: Winn-Dixie. Come back here! Winn-Dixie!

  Dewberry boys: You better go get your dog out of there.

  Opal: Get lost, you bald-headed babies!

  Dewberry boys: Hey. That witch is gonna eat that dog for dinner and you for dessert! I wouldn&apost go in there, Baloney Breath.

  Opal: Baloney Breath? You&aposre just a couple of skinny-armed chickens.

  Dewberry boys: We&aposll tell the preacher what happened to you.

  Opal: (whispering): Winn-Dixie? Winn-Dixie, where are you?

  Gloria: Give me this. I said. Let it go. Let it go! Give it! Give it to me!

  Winn-Dixie: (grunts softly )

  Gloria: Let it go. I said.

  Opal: Stop it!

  Gloria: Oh! (grunts, then gasps) Who&aposs there?

  Opal: (shuddering) Um. Please, don&apost eat me. D-D... Don&apost eat me! I don&apost taste good! I don&apost taste good! Please, help!

  Gloria: Eat you? You silly child. How can I eat you? (laughs)

  Opal: Where&aposs my dog? Did you eat my dog?

  Gloria: Hardly. But he darn near bit my hand off stealing my sandwich! Where is he? Where is the dog? Where&aposs the dog? Where is the d... Oh. I hear him. I hear him. He&aposs smackin&apos his lip. He sure loves peanut butter. Listen at him. (laughs)

  Opal: I&aposm sorry I got on your property.

  Gloria: Hmm.

  Opal: My name&aposs Opal.

  Gloria: My name is...Gloria. Gloria Dump. Isn&apost that a terrible last name? Dump?

  Opal: Well, my last name&aposs Buloni. Sometimes the kids at school, they call me Lunch Meat.

  Gloria: "Lunch Meat." (chuckling) Oh, my. Well, I&aposm pleased to meet you, Lunch Meat. What you call your friend here?

  Opal: Oh, that&aposs Winn-Dixie.

  Gloria: Winn-Dixie? You mean like the grocery store? Now, that takes the strange-name prize, don&apost it? Woo-wee! (laughs)

  Winn-Dixie: (whines)

  Gloria: Oh, no. Hmm-mm. This one&aposs mine. I&aposm gon&apos eat this one. You know, baby girl...these eyes of mine, they don&apost see too good no more.

  Opal: You can&apost see?

  Gloria: Well...you know, I can...I can see only the general shape of things. So I rely on my heart. Why don&apost you go ahead and tell me everything about yourself, so I can see you with my heart?

  Opal: Well. The first thing you should know about me is that...my dad&aposs the preacher, which was why we moved to Naomi. (voiceover) I had been waiting for so long to tell a person everything about me, I couldn&apost stop. I told Gloria Dump everything. And the whole time I was talkin&apos, Gloria Dump was listening.

  Gloria: I see. I see.

  Opal: But the most important thing you should know about me...is that I don&apost have a mama.

  Gloria: You don&apost have a mama.

  Opal: Somethin&apos happened to her that made her go away, and I don&apost know what it was. Well, then the Dewberry boys... (voiceover) I could feel her listening with all her heart. And it felt good.


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