
2017-08-14 作者: 758阅读



  A senior Chinese customs official at a port embroiled in a metals financing scandal has died of “unnatural” causes, state media have reported.据中国官方媒体报道,一名中国海关高级官员本月因“非正常”原因死亡。此前,这位官员所在的青岛海关曾卷入一起金属融资丑闻。

  Police are investigating the death of Qingdao Customs deputy commissioner Bian Peiquan, the official Xinhua news agency reported on Thursday, citing Qingdao Customs.中国官方新华社(Xinhua)引述来自青岛海关的消息称,警方正在调查青岛海关(Qingdao Customs)副关长边佩全死亡案。

  In late May, local authorities in the northeastern port of Qingdao began investigating claims that a Chinese company had pledged the same lots of metal to multiple banks in order to secure loans. The metal included copper; aluminum and alumina.5月下旬,青岛地方当局开始对一家中国企业涉嫌把同一批金属抵押给不同银行以获得融资之事开展调查。这些被抵押的金属包括铜、铝和氧化铝。

  With potential losses running into hundreds of millions of dollars, banks and traders scrambled to assess their positions. Standard Bank and Standard Chartered Bank said they were investigating their exposure, while China’s Citic Resources, asked courts in Qingdao to secure its metal held at Qingdao port.由于该事件可能导致数亿美元亏损,各银行和交易商纷纷对自己的头寸展开评估。标准银行(Standard Bank)和渣打银行(Standard Chartered Bank)表示正在评估自己的风险敞口。而中国的中信资源(Citic Resources)则已要求法庭封存自己在青岛港的金属库存。

  It is unclear whether Mr Bian’s death is related to the probe into financing fraud. Qingdao Customs did not answer calls seeking comment. The agency has authority over ports in Qingdao and seven other cities including Yantai, where allegations of collateral fraud have also emerged.目前尚不清楚边佩全的死是否与这起金融欺诈调查有关。青岛海关没有应答记者的电话。青岛海关对青岛及其他7座城市的港口有管辖权——其中包括出现质押品欺诈指控的烟台市。

  Qingdao ranked as the world’s eighth busiest port by container traffic in 2012, according to the World Shipping Council. It is China’s largest iron ore port and an important transit point for grains and aluminum.根据世界海运理事会(WSC)的数据,按集装箱运输量计算,2012年青岛港的繁忙程度居全球第八位。青岛港是中国最大的铁矿石港口,还是谷物和铝的重要中转站。

  Qingdao Port International, a port operator, raised $377m in a Hong Kong initial public offering in late May.今年5月,青岛港运营商——青岛港国际股份有限公司(Qingdao Port International)通过在香港的首次公开发行(IPO)募集了3.77亿美元资金。

  Suicides by Chinese officials and state-owned enterprise executives are on the rise. Caixin, a respected Chinese magazine, reported last month that 48 officials committed suicide in 2013, up from 21 in 2012.最近,中国官员及国企高管的自杀人数呈现上升趋势。中国权威的财新网(Caixin)上月报道,2013年有48名官员自杀,大大高于2012年的21人。

  Human rights organisations have also documented cases in which suspects have died in custody following brutal interrogations by the Communist party’s anti-corruption investigators, which operate outside the legal system.人权组织也记录了多起嫌疑人在被羁押期间死亡的案例。他们在死前大多遭到中共反腐调查人员的粗暴审讯——中国的法律体系对这些调查人员没有约束力。

  Since taking power in 2012, Chinese President Xi Jinping launched in a broad anti-corruption campaign that has swept in thousands of officials and state-owned enterprise managers.自2012年上任以来,中国国家主席习近平发动了一场广泛的反腐运动,数千名官员及国企管理人员在运动中落马。

  Last week the party’s anti-graft agency formally announced an investigation of Zhou Yongkong, the former security chi. Mr Zhou is the highest-ranking former official to face corruption charges since the founding of the modern Chinese state.就在上周,中共反腐机构正式宣布对中国安全部门前主管周永康开展调查。周永康是中国建国以来面临腐败指控的最高级别退休官员。


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