
2017-08-13 作者: 189阅读


  Apec leaders converging on Beijing are intent on accessing China’s vast market. More equipment imports would appeal to the US, Japan and Korea while more fruit, seafood and meat imports would be welcomed by neighbouring Taiwan, southeast Asia and especially Australia, which hopes to ink a bilateral trade deal later this month.齐聚北京开会的APEC领导人都有意进入中国这个大市场。中国加大设备进口将对美国、日本和韩国产生吸引力,而加大水果、海鲜和肉类进口将受到邻近的台湾、东南亚特别是澳大利亚的欢迎。澳大利亚希望本月晚些时候与中国达成双边贸易协定。

  The high-tech equipment imports would help upgrade China’s industrial capacity, the state council said. The support comes as many state-owned businesses, laden with debt from recent expansions and upgrades and restricted from accessing new loans if their industry has overbuilt, struggle to meet new mandates from Beijing to keep economic growth ticking along.中国国务院表示,高科技设备的进口将有助于提升中国的工业能力。这项支持出台之际,许多国有企业正艰难应对北京方面下达的稳增长任务。近年来的扩张和升级改造使得这些企业背负沉重债务,如果所在行业产能过剩,它们还在获取新贷款时还会受到限制。

  “Banks and financial institutions are encouraged to strengthen their credit support [to help] broaden imports of high-tech equipment and key components to promote structural adjustment and upgrading,” the statement from the state council said.“鼓励银行业金融机构加大进口信贷支持力度,扩大先进技术设备、关键零部件等进口,促进产业结构调整和优化升级,”《国务院办公厅关于加强进口的若干意见》表示。

  It urged energy and resources companies to invest abroad and secure strategic resources, even as Chinese overseas energy investments – with the exception of Russian gas deals – have dried up following a buying binge in recent years. “Stabilise energy and resources supply, raise the capacity to guarantee market supply,” it added.《意见》敦促能源和资源企业进行海外投资,保障战略资源的供应。近年来出现一股收购热潮之后,除与俄罗斯达成的天然气协议外,中国的海外能源投资已趋于枯竭。“稳定能源资源供应,提高市场保障能力,”《意见》补充称。

  There are signs that state oil company CNPC, parent of listed PetroChina, has already been spurred by falling prices to snap up oil cargos on the Singapore spot market. Much of that oil may be going to fill strategic reserves, market insiders said.有迹象表明,国有的中国石油天然气集团公司(CNPC)——上市的中国石油天然气股份公司(PetroChina)的母公司——已趁着油价下跌在新加坡现货市场抢购石油。市场人士表示,这些石油有很大一部分可能用于补充战略储备。

  Similarly, China’s State Reserve Bureau has become an active purchaser as copper prices have fallen, market traders said. Benchmark international copper have shed about 8 per cent since midsummer.同样,市场交易员表示,随着铜价下跌,中国国家物资储备局已成为活跃买家。自盛夏以来,国际基准铜价累积下降约8%。


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