2017-08-13 518阅读
全麦面粉、斯佩耳特小麦和水是做面包通常用到的原料,但加上一点可食用金粉,这种全世界最贵的面包就能吸引世界各地的富人争先恐后前来抢购。西班牙小镇Algatocin的一家名叫Pan Pia的面包店就推出了这样一种面包,售价高得让人难以置信,400克重的面包标价150美元(约合人民币930元)。请看下面的双语信息:
Pan Pi?a baker and co-owner Juan Manuel Moreno said that he came up with the idea for the bread after he saw the ‘world’s most expensive coffee’ on sale at another shop in the region. So he decided to dazzle up his own bread with a dash of edible gold worth over $100 both inside and on the surface of each loaf. However, he does agree that the shiny metal does nothing to enhance flavor.
Pan Pi?a的合伙店主兼面包师胡安·曼努埃尔·莫雷诺(Juan Manuel Moreno)表示,他在看到镇上另一家商店销售“世界上最贵的咖啡”后,萌生了这一想法。他决定用一撮价值超过100美元的可食用金粉点缀每个面包的内瓤和外皮。但他表示,这些闪亮的金粉对提升面包的口感毫无作用。
“The gold itself has no real taste,” the 41-year-old said. “It just adds a certain sparkle, a lustre to each loaf. The rest of the ingredients are organic and super healthy. People believe small amounts of gold are good for the digestion.”
Moreno’s family has been running Pan Pi?a for the past 70 years. They produce over 50 varieties of bread, and the gold leaf is their most expensive loaf yet.
莫雷诺一家从过去70年来一直经营Pan Pi?a,推出了50余种不同类型的面包,而“金粉面包”是迄今为止最贵的一种。
Interestingly, the bread has buyers from various parts of the globe – it is insanely popular in the Costa del Sol region, in Russia, and even in Middle eastern countries. “We have a lot of wealthy visitors from Russia and China here and they are always looking for something new to show how rich they are,” Moreno explained. A national supermarket chain is all set to start selling the product, while a restaurant in Ronda has also expressed interest.
有趣的是,这种面包已经吸引了来自世界各地的顾客前来购买,在西班牙太阳海岸(Costa del Sol)、俄罗斯、甚至中东国家的顾客中大受欢迎。“有大批俄罗斯和中国的顾客前来购买,他们总是四处搜寻新鲜玩意儿,来显示他们有多么富有”,莫雷诺解释道。一家全国连锁超市打算开始销售这种面包,一家位于Ronda的餐厅也对此表示饶有兴趣。
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