
2017-08-11 作者: 302阅读



  way to get work done.~

  To what extent do you agree or disagree with the opinion expressed above? Support your views with reasons and/or specific examples drawn from your own work or school experiences, your observations, or your reading.


  Is it unnecessary to give one person the central authority for a project, as the speaker asserts? Many people may agree with this view claiming that it is a most fective way to let every one to make decision and share responsibility; however, on balance, I tend to take a skeptical attitude toward this assertion.

  Admittedly, a group or an organization can function fective only if all the members take positive actions in the same task. The responsibility and duty for the task will probably motivate the members to take initiatives and exert their creativity to the largest extent. For example, in order to enhance the employee&aposs sense of duty, many companies encourage their employees to buy some of the shares and stocks of the corporation. Undoubtedly, such policy can make the employees really care about the fate of the company and therore provide the best performance in the work.

  However, that is not to say, every member of the group should be given the power to make the final decision. Undeniably, seldom could anyone get over the instinct of self-interest. Given the power to make all the decisions in the group, people may probably take actions following their own interest. And often, such personal interest may be different from, or even contrary to the collective goal of the whole group. Take the salary policy of a company for instance. Almost all the employees want increase in their wages, nonetheless, this interest may certainly conflict with the company&aposs cost-cutting strategy.

  Consequently, no organizations can carry on a task fectively without a leader who is not only able to collect all the thoughts and make the final decision, but also, to balance the various interests and make them compatible to the collective goal of the group. Moreover, the leader can make sure that the group will not stray from the initial goal.

  In conclusion, it is true that everyone in a group should share responsibility and duty. Nevertheless, we can never neglect the indispensable function of the team leader who has central authority to make the final decision for the whole group.







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