
2017-08-11 作者: 318阅读


  We take for granted that A. Nevertheless, does the fact inevitable indicates that B? The speaker here apparently tempts to confirm that the former takes automatic precedence over the latter. While I agree with the spear insofar as A, I find no empirical evidence to wholly accept the author’s position, which appears to be unconvincing in light of more persuasive assertion, those TS.

  The primary reason for my view rests on the undeniable fact that history is replete with evidence of R1. Notables ranging from X to Y come immediately to mind. On the one hand, consider the success of X. On the other hand, let us take Y into account. By the same token, Y does the same. Indeed, both cases illustrate the point that R1, as many other similar cases do.

  Another reason for my view is that R2. Empirical evidence supporting this reason is overwhelming. One needs look no further than Z to appreciate that this is indeed the case. As can be obviously seen, Z is that. Admittedly, stories such as this are not rare so that this case is, as has been noted, one of many examples that underscore the point that.

  To oppose my view, you might point out that Q1. To be honest, I confess that Q1. However, you may further argue that Q2. Here we part company. In any event, do Q2? Emphatically, ‘No’.

  In the final analysis, TS. Therore, although.

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