2017-08-11 247阅读
1. 明星代言– 2.25 JJ 7
作文:一个alpha cologne找了professional athletes 去做spokesperson,销售额涨了30%,但是其中购买者大多数是middle aged 和older people。如果想继续提升销售额,把目标放在youth market,打算找一个teen pop music sensation 做代言(by 春华秋实2014)
>>> 疑似考古
V1. Alpha cologne这个项目的Marketing Manager 一些提高销售量的建议:Alpha 这个项目在过去4年里享受了30%的销售增长,其广告靠的是运动员代言人。市场调查现实其消费群体主要是中年人及老年人,但在过去两年销售额没有明显的提升。为了提升销售额,应该扩大消费群体至年轻人。市场部经理提议应该雇佣流行音乐巨星D...Cleaver作为Alpha这个项目新的代言人,并把目标群体从传统的中老年变为新潮的年轻人。这样销售额可能就会增长了,因为每一个角落的年轻人都会知道这个项目。
V2. Company's cologne has experienced significant sales increase of 30% annually in the first four years of its launch. The company uses advertising campaign with professional sports stars and research found that most customers are middle-aged men. Cologne sale slowed down in recent years and CEO believes that they need to get younger people to use the cologne and he will hire Justin Bieber as their new spokesperson to achieve this.
1. 因果关系:代言人和销量上升。也许香水本身的定位就是中年男性,比如味道或者价位,换代言人并不会产生多少改变。销量不变可能是其他很多原因造成的,比如economic recession等等。
2. 时地全等:过去用代言人这招管用,不代表将来还是有用,也许其他很多竞争者都用这招了,last two years销量不变不代表以后销量也不变。
3. 无根据假设:歌星一定能吸引年轻人。没有证据支持这种说法,年轻的明星并不代表就能吸引到年轻男人,比如可能一般男生关注明星比较少,或者在男生中其实运动员更受欢迎,换了还不如不换。
2. 职业建议– 2.25 JJ 8
V1 : 说在self employed 和work from home不如找个固定的工作上班,因为一个是大家会偷懒,晚开始工作,还有就是宅在家里不社交 对以后的career advancement不利。还有就是在公司上班的工作机会更多从长期考虑在公司上班赚的钱更多。(by zizizizi)
V2: 作文考的是an editor contends that it's officially unwise to quit a stable office job for self-employed work because a self-employed worker are more often tempted to procrastinate and avoid working. Another reason is that a self-employed worker are more likely distracted by things such as noisy neighbors and housechores. So those who have stable office jobs earn more than self-employed workers. Evaluate the reasoning of the editor.(by DAPHNEZHAO1993)
>>> 疑似考古
作者建议有stable office job的人,千万不要辞职当self-employed worker.有以下原因:
1. self-employed 的人在家工作有很多distraction,例如phone call, noisy neighbor,和household chore.2. self-employed 的人not likely to set schedule,所以他们会procrastinate或者not working.
3. self-employed 的人在家工作,会socially and professionally isolated, 所以他们的advancement会受到limit.
因此,office job肯定好且lead to more earning.
V2 今天是people working at home不好,a steady office job更好什么的,文中把在家工作不好的缺点列了一下,先是说在家会受到邻居的噪音影响啊,有三个,还有就是在家没有schedule啊,最后就说在家working会使自己的社交圈和朋友圈isolated,因此对professional career不好啊什么的(by jessiedzhang)
V3 work in office 比work from home好,1家里有很多的distraction,2 self-employee 都不schedule… 3. 在家工作的容易和外界隔绝减少就业机会(BY guoqipku)
>>> 参考思路
1. 无根据假设:虽然在家工作会有distraction,stable office job的人同样也会有可能受到noise、phone或者noisy colleague的影响,受影响不代表不会努力工作
3. 因果关系-错误因果:不列计划不代表会不努力工作,很多工作需要自由地支配时间,比如画画,写作等创作型工作,不列计划更利于提高工作效率
4. 因果关系-忽略他因:一个人在完全与外界社会隔绝时会被socially and professionally isolated,但是现在科技如此发达,足不出户也仍然可以通过各类SNS和外界沟通,与同事交流,也可以通过网络掌握专业最新知识等等。
3. 健身杂志– 2.25 JJ 9
有一个叫muscle monthly的杂志因为上月特别刊登了一些body builder的照片,而且这些bodybuilder用的是一种state-of-the-art的exercise machine,这个杂志就sells out了。于是为了让本小区居民的fitness level能最大化,建议在community fitness centre装备这种exercise machine。(by marianelli)
>>> 考古原题
The following appeared in the letters-to-the-editor section of a local newspaper.
“Muscle Monthly, a fitness magazine that regularly features pictures of bodybuilders using state-of-the-art exercise machines, frequently sells out, according to the owner of Skyview Newsstand. To help maximize fitness levels in our town’s residents, we should, therore, equip our new community fitness center with such machines.”
>>> 参考思路
1. 无根据假设:MM总卖完=MM的内容都对=exercise machine很有用,杂志卖得好得原因不一定是因为刊登这个机器,很可能是价钱便宜,或其他的内容吸引读者。社区健身中心有了machine居民们的健康就能大为改善。
2. 质疑:Skyview摊主的话是不是中立?
3. From 某狗主:我的论点是,杂志好卖不一定是因为健身员的图片,可能是因为价格,内容还有其他文化因素。即使是,也不能肯定该镇的人就会喜欢该健身员,甚至健身器材。也许杂志是在东部或者北部甚至国外好卖,不一定镇里的人都买啊。如果连喜欢都不喜欢,怎么用?就算镇里人士喜欢该健身器材,那也不代表人会去用,那个还是受其他很多因素影响的。
>>> 参考范文
In this argument the author concludes that the new community fitness center should be equipped with the state-of-the-art exercise machines featured in Muscle Monthly magazine. In support of this recommendation two reasons are offered: (1) Muscle Monthly contains pictures of bodybuilders using such machines, and (2) Muscle Monthly is a popular magazine, as evidenced by the fact that it frequently sells out at the local newsstand. This argument is questionable on two counts.
First, a major implication of the argument is that the bodybuilders pictured using the machines in Muscle Monthly magazine reached their state of fitness as a result of using these machines. The only evidence offered to support this contention, however, is the pictures in the magazine. It is possible that the bodybuilders pictured use different equipment for their workouts and are merely posing with the machines for advertising purposes.
Second, the author assumes that machines that are suitable for bodybuilding will also be suitable to help maximize the fitness levels of the town’s residents. This assumption is highly questionable. Machines designed to increase muscle development are significantly different from those designed to increase cardiovascular fitness. Consequently, it is unlikely that the machines pictured in the magazine will be of much use to help maximize the fitness levels of the town’s residents.
In conclusion, this argument is unconvincing. To strengthen the argument the author would have to show that the bodybuilders pictured using the exercise machines actually used the machines to reach their level of muscle development. Additionally, the author would have to show that the machines were suitable for increasing the fitness levels of the persons using them.
4. 美食书店– 2.25 JJ 10
坐稳:美食书店想要模仿连锁书店给畅销书打折,然后不在请当地的厨师来店里搞厨艺秀,认为这样能提高sales.(by gingermilktea)
>>> 疑似考古
目前status: 店铺在有了自己特色和陈列(featuring food)、增加cafe提供饮料后盈利稳定,而且本身书店是premiere的行列;
做法:效仿major bookstore chain and Internet bookstore, provide deeply discount on their best sellers to offset those discount costs.
V2讲的是一家当地的本土公司,好像是厨具公司?经营的挺不错的。但是老板想要取得更大的成功,所以要学习连锁公司或者是网上经营公司的营销策略。因为连锁公 司和网上经营公司的价格相对较低总是能吸引到挺多顾客的,所以这家local公司相信如果采用这种低价策略的话也会取得不小的成功。因为低价策略可以吸引 到很多顾客从而扩大顾客基础,从而获得更多的利润。
V3.Food and Thought是一家本地书店(local owned bookstore),过去经营得很不错,自从在店里请名厨来进行现场美食制作并在书店里设了一个餐吧以来,盈利一直增长。(作者认为)我们还可以使未来的盈利增长得更漂亮。大型连锁书店和网络书店(major bookstore chains and internet bookstores)都采用这样的策略:对畅销书(best-sellers)给很高的折扣,以吸引顾客,带动其他品类的销售。因此我们也应该对bestseller打折,并停止(discontinue)店里现有的美食活动以平衡开支(cost)。这样的策略肯定能够让我们获得更多的顾客,实现利润增长。
V4.A local bookstore specializing in cooking books has a featured in-store strategy that it always make a demonstration of food. the owner proposes that since its profit is steady for several years, it should cancel this strategy and try the strategy the major bookstore chains and internet bookstore have. They discount their best-selling books to non-profit and , in order to attract new customers and outsell their competitors. if folllowing this strategy, the local bookstore will increase profit.
1.错误类比:bookstores chains & internet bookshops与我们这家cook 相关的bookstore是不一样的。买的书籍,客户群什么的,都没有具体信息,所以在前两者中表现好的在这里不一定好,况且作者也没有说前向两者学习是不是真的对他们有效地方式。吸不吸引顾客值得怀疑
2.无端假设:现在的profit well,但是凭什么说改变了会更好?影响profit的因素除了收入也有成本,所以直接假设新的做法更好考虑的太片面了
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