2017-08-10 226阅读
一、. wasp(黄蜂)产卵与毛毛虫
p1 一种wasp在毛毛虫上产卵,
p2 先举例,说某些树叶收到攻击会在伤患处散发某种有毒化学物质(出题问你为啥举例)。然后说在毛毛虫啃食树叶后散发的物质会吸引wasp。后面做了一系列实验,举了很多例子,忘了。根据那些实验问了问题,好像是关于wasp会不会被吸引,如果blabla。
RC-3: 某种植物,利用黄蜂(wasp/parasitic wasp寄生蜂)----毛毛虫(caterpillar)的天敌,攻击毛毛虫。(俺“冒然”推测,本篇是本月高频)
第二段说做了个实验,一开始科学家以为是caterpillar吃掉的叶子因为破损会散发出odor(很重要,有好几道题都是围绕着这个实验展开的),科学家于是用lazer去切叶子,想看看切割后的叶子会不会像被caterpillar咬过的叶子一样吸引wasp,让wasp知道caterpillar就在这附近呢?科学家们发现切割后叶子只能散发出grassy odor,对wasp并没有什么吸引力。后来科学家们发现其实caterpillar在叶子上会留存oral secretion,而这东西吸引了wasp,而且这种secretion是caterpillar吃叶子后几小时分泌的,能持续很长时间,这样子wasp就知道哪里有caterpillar,进而寄生并杀死caterpillar。科学家们觉得这招对于研发杀虫剂防止caterpillar侵扰植物方面有意义。
P2第一句话说有些植物自己分泌毒液杀虫,然而这并不是我们今天要说的(有题,作者提这个干啥?狗主选的用来对比)。然后科学家做了实验用laser切了叶子然而并不能吸引wasp,然而毛毛虫的口水oral secretion和植物啥啥分泌物一起反应(好像是吧)就吸引了wasp(此处有题问如果实验结果是laser切口可以吸引wasp科学家的conclusion会是啥)
文章挺长的狗主因为被啪键盘声搞的心态不好很多失忆了TAT 但是印象中把实验目的和结果搞清楚了就不难
第二段:分析-结论。很多植物防御是释放毒素(有题),但是有一种更特殊,通过分泌一种化学物质吸引益虫wasp吃掉害虫caterpillar。科学家做了两组实验,第一组把叶子用刀割开,叶子只散发草香,不会分泌化学物质,也不会吸引来wasp。第二组:在割口上涂抹了caterpillar的oral secretion,植物开始分泌化学物质,吸引wasp,得出防御体系运作机制
【版本1】一篇是讲毛毛虫,植物,还有捕捉一种毛毛虫的动物,这三者之间的关系,这篇是最长的,我没太看懂....不好意思啊各位... 主要是讲什么/怎么样导致植物分泌一种物质使捕食者来消灭毛毛虫 ;第一段猜测这三者的关系 第二段就是科学家通过试验来验证这个猜测
有益补充(已经过JJ作者确认):WASP会把它的幼虫LAVAE寄生到一种虫身上. 这种虫吃一种植物.这种植物在这种虫吃它时会分泌一种CHEMICAL, 这种CHEMICAL 会吸引WASP. 所以这种植物是通过另外一种生物来抵抗它的天敌.
【版本2】还真碰到了那个Caterpillar的题, 这篇阅读比较长而且逻辑关系很强, 没把眼镜差点看破了. 关键词:caterpillar, wasp, attractive chemicals. 主要讲plants have developed their own densive system by attracting wasps, the predator of caterpillar host. caterpillar咬完树叶后, 树叶会自己分泌chemical attracion 引来wasps, 科学家开始怀疑是caterpillar自己在吃剩下的树叶上留下的chemical attraction 后来发现不是. 第一个题问文章concern什么, 我选E, 关于densive system 第二个是inferred from the passage, wasp would be attracted by which of following , 忘选什么了
[旧JJ相关内容1]植物利用黄蜂攻击毛毛虫讲一种树在受到caterpillar的攻击的时候可以释放出一种气味以吸引wasps来攻击这种caterpillar, 不仅如此,科学家还发现这种树还可以判断caterpillar是否在攻击自己而释放出不同的气味.
Parasitic and predatory arthropods often prevent plants from being severely damaged by killing herbivores as they feed on the plants.
Recent studies show that a variety of plants, when injured by herbivores, emit chemical signals that guide natural enemies to the herbivores. It is unlikely that herbivore-damaged plants initiate the production of chemicals solely to attract parasitoids and predators. The signaling role probably evolved secondarily from plant responses that produce toxins and deterrents against herbivores and antibiotics against pathogens. To fectively function as signals for natural enemies, the emitted volatiles should be clearly distinguishable from background odors, specific for prey or host species that feed on the plant, and emitted at times when the natural enemies forage. Our studies on the phenomena of herbivore-induced emissions of volatiles in corn and cotton plants and studies conducted by others indicate that (i) the clarity of the volatile signals is high, as they are unique for herbivore damage, produced in relatively large amounts, and easily distinguishable from background odors; (ii) specificity is limited when different herbivores feed on the same plant species but high as far as odors emitted by different plant species and genotypes are concerned; (iii) the signals are timed so that they are mainly released during the daytime, when natural enemies tend to forage, and they wane slowly after herbivore stops.
第一段:提出植物、caterpillar、wasp/parasitic wasp之间关系的假设or现象:caterpillar是herbivore,caterpillar feed on plants. 这样plants就有可能被过度破坏,为了防止这种过度破坏,植物会释放一种chemical/odor,借以吸引wasp----毛毛虫的天敌(natural enemies),这样wasp就会干掉(kill) caterpillar。植物得以免于被过度破坏。
说那个a f的怪植物特征表现在,最后一句话, 提到的哪两个上:
lz选颜色和texture,颜色非常肯定,因为有讲到,但texture 同学可以再看看。反正你选color,就只要2选1了。
生物那篇 三段: 第一段 说一个叫A的人提出了一个"unbelievable"的说法,就是很多植物可以通过吸引小虫子 授粉。。。。。
第三段说这种类型的植物在雨林中的 dweller 中很普遍。。。
odor and humidity 我选的这个
odor and shape
词汇:pollination授粉 mimicry 模仿 entice 诱使 怂恿
Pollination study comes up with new insights
Dipannita Das, TNN, Nov 5, 2010, 01.43am IST
PUNE: Did you know that inflorescence can deceive its pollinators (beetles and bees) by mimicking an egg-laying site through a nauseating gaseous stench. With this deception, the plants achieve pollination without actually providing any reward to the insects.
This observation was made in Amorphophallus species(tuberous herbaceous plants), commonly known as corpse flower or elephant foot yam belonging to the Arum family in the northern parts of the Western Ghats and Konkan region, by scientists Sachin A Punekar and K P N Kumaranof the Agharkar Research Institute here. This work is a kind of first from the Indian subcontinent addressing the pollen morphology and pollination ecology of these species.
Another aspect found in a large number of these species is the process of heating. The spadix (a type of inflorescence) produces 30-45 degree Celsius heat during at least the first night, when flowers become susceptible and pollinators are attracted to it.
The research paper was published this year in Elsevier research journal Flora Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants and has been recently cited under the top 25 hottest articles under the environmental science theme.The present study, using scanning electron microscope, delves adequately on this topic. It can be utilised as an important tool to distinguish taxa (group of organism) and also to resolve taxonomic problems, Punekar said.
The inflorescence form的形态 and shape形状 plays a significant role in attracting insects. Amorphophallus have a very strong and obnoxious odour臭味. The odour of each species has a characteristic chemical composition, Punekar said. In many species, the odour is a nauseating gaseous stench. This odour attracts pollinator insects that breed or feed on dung, decaying matter or fungi. 授粉动物会被恶臭吸引,因为他们都是“吃屎长大的”,囧-。-This also results in pollinators meeting their sexual partners and completing their reproductive cycle, he said.
The study observes five phases of insect trapping in Amorphophallus species, which facilitate pollination.
The initial phase of attracting beetles from a distance is possibly based on a visual trap resulting from the inflorescence size and form and the frequency of the plant in a particular area. In the second phase, beetles get attracted from a distance by the odour trap, where the appendix emits a stench. In the third phase, most of the insects fall to the bottom of the spathe via a slippery trap provided by the wet appendix.
During the fourth phase of pollination, the insects, attracted by a food trap, crawl over the pistillate zoneand staminate zone. Here, the visual attraction act as baits.
In the last phase, the trapped insects get shelter from light inside the kettle and meet sexual partners, achieving copulation and sometimes lay their eggs.
In a number of flowering plants, especially orchids, a plant uses mimicry to entice the insect pollinator to visit the flower and successfully pollinate it with no reward of food to the pollinating insect.
Many flowers that are dark red or red-purple produce a scent that is similar to the scent of rotting flesh. In this case, the pollinator visits the flower believing that there is a meal or a carcass on which to lay its eggs. Female blowflies will land on these flowers, lay their eggs, and in the process of moving about the flower inadvertently pollinate it. However, when the eggs hatch the maggots die, as there is no rotting flesh to eat. In other cases the duped pollinator lands on the flower and moves around the flower and inadvertently pollinates the flower while trying to find the rotting flesh to eat.
Besides the need to eat, pollinators need to mate in order to produce the next generation and ensure the continuation of the species. Many orchids take advantage of this innate behavior to reproduce.
The warty hammer orchid of Western Australia produces a chemical scent that is almost identical to the pheromone that the female thynnine wasp releases when she is sexually receptive. The orchid's labellum (lower lip) is also shaped similarly to the body of the female wasp. The male thynnine wasp grasps the imitation female and tries to fly off with her to mate and in the process crashes into the flower structure containing the pollen and the stigma. Pollen from one orchid is carried to another and pollination occurs. The male thynnine wasp's desire to mate as many times as possible lends to this trait of pollinating the warty hammer orchid.
Some plants take advantage of the sex drive of specific insects. The Copper Beard Orchid has a floral structure and scent that mimics the female scoliid wasp. The male wasp attempts to mate with the flower (pseudocopulation) and in doing so provides the pollination service as they travel from one orchid to another attempting to mate with other "female wasps."
In order for the Hammer orchid to be successfully pollinated, the male wasp must be fooled by another individual orchid, where it goes through the same procedure. But this time the pollen is deposited in the stigma, and so that plant has been pollinated.
铁锤兰 铁锤兰的颜色和味道就像是生肉,它是一种生长于澳大利亚的植物,这类植物的特点在于一个窄窄的铰接茎干上均长着似昆虫的唇瓣和一个有翼柱壮物携带花粉和柱头 。铁锤兰的授粉方式十分独特,它会把自己装扮成雌性黄蜂的模样,勾引雄性黄蜂过来交配。
在《PLoS Biology》学报上刊登的最新研究成果指出,全球授粉动物多样性的破坏会威胁植物群落的可持续发展。
??由于每隔16年就有一次动物灭绝危机,因此动物多样性的丧失对于生态系统的扰动程度还不能确定。植物是地球的初级生产者,而扮演植物再生重要角色的授粉动物越来越受到重视。这种植物——授粉动物的互利关系十分特殊,一个物种的消失甚至会威胁到别的物种的存在。Colin Fontaine等人通过自然条件下对植物和授粉动物相互关系的实验,发现全球授粉动物多样性的破坏会威胁植物群落的可持续发展。
二. 双语学习(bilingual)
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