gmat og10正确句子268(十三).

2017-08-10 作者: 218阅读

141. Unless the transplant involves identical twins,who have the same genetic endowment, all patients receiving hearts or other organs must take antirejection drugs for the rest of their lives.

142. In one of the most stunning reversals in the history of marketing, the Coca-Cola company in July 1985 yielded to thousands of irate consumers who demanded that it bring back the original Coke formula.

143. Recently discovered fossil remains strongly suggest that the Australian egg-laying mammals of today are a branch of the main stem of mammalian evolu-tion rather than a type that developed independently from a common ancestor of mammals more than 220 mil-lion years ago.

144. Efforts to equalize the funds available to school districts, a major goal of education rormers and many states in the 1970&aposs, have not significantly reduced the gap that exists between the richest and poorest districts.

145. Most state constitutions now mandate that the state budget be balanced each year.

146. A patient accusing a doctor of malpractice will find it difficult to prove damage without another doctor&aposs testimony about proper medical proce-dures.

147. Samuel Sewall, like other seventeenth-century colonists, viewed marriage as a property arrangement rather than an emotional bond based on romantic love.

148. Under the Safe Drinking Water Act, the Environ-mental Protection Agency is required either to approve individual state plans for controlling the discharge of wastes into underground water or to enforce its own plan for states without adequate regulations.

149. Last year, land values in most parts of the pinelands rose almost as fast as, and in some parts even faster than, those outside the pinelands.

150. In the mid-1960&aposs a newly installed radar warning system mistook the rising of the moon for a massive Soviet missile attack.

151. If Dr. Wade is right, any apparent connection between eating highly processed foods and excelling at sports is purely coincidental.

152. When the technique known as gene-splicing was invented in the early 1970&aposs, it was feared that scien-tists might inadvertently create an "Andromeda strain," a microbe never bore seen on Earth that might escape from the laboratory and kill vast numbers of humans who would have no natural denses against it.

153. A recording system was so secretly installed and operated in the Kennedy Oval Office that even Theodore C. Sorensen, the White House counsel, did not know it existed.

154. In 1791 Robert Carter III, one of the wealthiest plantation owners in Virginia, stunned his family, friends, and neighbors by filing a deed of emancipa-tion, setting free the more than 500 slaves who were legally considered his property.

155. Federal authorities involved in the investigation have found that local witnesses are difficult to locate, reti-cent, and suspicious of strangers.

156. Dirt roads may evoke the bucolic simplicity of another century, but financially strained townships point out that dirt roads cost twice as much to maintain as paved roads do.

157. A number of linguists contend that all of the thou-sands of languages spoken by the world&aposs five billion people can be traced back to a common root language.

158. Although accounting for only 5 percent of the world&aposs population, United States citizens consume 28 percent of its nonrenewable resources, drive more than one-third of its automobiles, and use 21 times more water per capita than Europeans do.

159. While depressed property values can hurt some large investors, they are potentially devastating for home-owners. whose equity--in many cases representing a life&aposs savings--can plunge or even disappear.

160. While some propose to combat widespread illegal copying of computer programs by attempting to change people&aposs attitudes toward pirating, others suggest reducing software prices to decrease the incentive for pirating, and still others are calling for the prosecution of those who copy software illegally.

gmat og10正确句子268(十三)gmat og10

141. Unless the transplant involves identical twins,who have the same genetic endowment, all patients receiving hearts or other organs must take antirejection drugs for the rest of their lives.

142. In one of the most stunning reversals in the history of marketing, the Coca-Cola company in July 1985 yielded to thousands of irate consumers who demanded that it bring back the original Coke formula.

143. Recently discovered fossil remains strongly suggest that the Australian egg-laying mammals of today are a branch of the main stem of mammalian evolu-tion rather than a type that developed independently from a common ancestor of mammals more than 220 mil-lion years ago.

144. Efforts to equalize the funds available to school districts, a major goal of education rormers and many states in the 1970&aposs, have not significantly reduced the gap that exists between the richest and poorest districts.

145. Most state constitutions now mandate that the state budget be balanced each year.

146. A patient accusing a doctor of malpractice will find it difficult to prove damage without another doctor&aposs testimony about proper medical proce-dures.

147. Samuel Sewall, like other seventeenth-century colonists, viewed marriage as a property arrangement rather than an emotional bond based on romantic love.

148. Under the Safe Drinking Water Act, the Environ-mental Protection Agency is required either to approve individual state plans for controlling the discharge of wastes into underground water or to enforce its own plan for states without adequate regulations.

149. Last year, land values in most parts of the pinelands rose almost as fast as, and in some parts even faster than, those outside the pinelands.

150. In the mid-1960&aposs a newly installed radar warning system mistook the rising of the moon for a massive Soviet missile attack.





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