gmat og10正确句子268(十四).

2017-08-10 作者: 356阅读

161. A wildlife expert predicts that the reintroduction of the caribou into northern Minnesota will fail if the density of the timber wolf population in that region is greater than one wolf for every 39 square miles.

162. Concerned at the increase in accident fatalities, Tennessee adopted a child-passenger protection law requiring that parents restrain children under four years of age in a child safety seat.

163. Found throughout Central and South America, the sloth hangs from trees by its long rubbery limbs, sleeping fifteen hours a day and moving so infrequently that two species of algae grow on its coat and between its toes.

164. The commission proposed that funding for development of the park, which could be open to the public early next year, be obtained through a local bond issue.

165. At Shiprock, New Mexico, a perennially powerful girls&apos high school basketball team has become a path to college for some and a source of pride for a community where 49 percent of the household incomes are below the poverty level.

166. The prime lending rate is a key rate in the econ-omy: tied to the prime are the interest rates not only on most loans to small and medium-sized businesses, but also on a growing number of consumer loans, including home equity loans.

167. Neanderthals had a vocal tract resembling an ape&aposs and so were probably without language, a shortcoming that may explain why they were supplanted by our own species.

168. Today, because of improvements in agricultural technology, the same amount of acreage produces twice as many apples as it did in 1910.

169. Seismologists studying the earthquake that struck northern California in October 1989 are still investigating some of its mysteries: the unexpected power of the seismic waves, the upward thrust that threw one man straight into the air. and the strange electromagnetic signals detected hours bore the temblor.

170. Although early soap operas were first aired on evening radio in the 1920&aposs, they were moved to the daytime hours in the 1930&aposs when the evening schedule became crowded with comedians and variety shows.


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