
2017-08-10 作者: 208阅读


  10. In assessing the problems faced by rural migrant workers, the question of whether they are better off materially than the urban working poor is irrelevant.

  (A) In assessing the problems faced by rural migrant workers, the question of whether they are better off materially than the urban working poor is irrelevant.

  (B) The question of whether the rural migrant worker is better off materially than the urban working poor is irrelevant in assessing the problems that they face.

  (C) A question that is irrelevant in assessing the problems that rural migrant workers face is whether they are better off materially than the urban working poor.

  (D) In an assessment of the problems faced by rural migrant workers, the question of whether they are better off materially than the urban working poor is irrelevant.(D)

  (E) The question of whether the rural migrant worker is better off materially than the urban working poor is irrelevant in an assessment of the problems that they face.




  11. Once common throughout the Western plains, black-footed ferrets are thought to have declined in number as a result of the poisoning of prairie dogs, their prey.

  (A) black-footed ferrets are thought to have declined in number as

  (B) it is thought that the decline in number of black-footed ferrets is

  (C) the decline in the number of black-footed ferrets is thought of as

  (D) that black-footed ferrets have declined in their numbers is thought to be(A)

  (E) the numbers of the black-footed ferret are thought to have declined as




  12.Alaska regularly deposits some of its profits from the sale of oil into a special fund, with the intention to sustain the state’s economy after the exhaustion of its oil reserves.

  (A) fund, with the intention to sustain the state’s economy after the exhaustion of its oil reserves

  (B) fund, the intention of which is to sustain the state’s economy after they have exhausted their oil reserves

  (C) fund intended to sustain the state’s economy after oil reserves are exhausted

  (D) fund intended to sustain the state’s economy after exhausting its oil reserves(C)

  (E) fund that they intend to sustain the state’s economy after oil reserves are exhausted


  5. 转折关系中事物的分类标准必须统一


  13.Although dozens of New York’s small museums are either devoted to local history or various ethnic groups, there are many one-of-a-kind museums from Manhattan to the Bronx that are open for exploration on summer weekends.

  (A) Although dozens of New York’s small museums are either devoted to local history or various ethnic groups, there are

  (B) Although dozens of New York’s small museums are devoted to local history or various ethnic groups,

  (C) Dozens of New York’s small museums are devoted to local history or various ethnic groups, but there are

  (D) Dozens of New York’s small museums are devoted to local history or various ethnic groups, and there are also

  (E) Devoted to local history or various ethnic groups, dozens of New York’s small museums and also







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