
2017-08-10 作者: 237阅读


  5.Although the term “psychopath” is popularly applied to an especially brutal criminal, in psychology it is someone who is apparently incapable of feeling compassion or the pangs of conscience.

  (A) it is someone who is

  (B) it is a person

  (C) they are people who are

  (D) it rers to someone who is(D)

  (E) it is in rerence to people


  6.Promotions, retirements, deaths, and other actions approved by the board of directors at its May meeting will be reported in the July 15 issue of the company paper.

  (A) Promotions, retirements, deaths, and other actions approved by the board of directors at its May meeting will be reported in the July 15 issue of the company paper.

  (B) Promotions, retirements, and other actions which have been approved at the May meeting of the board of directors along with deaths, with be reported in the July 15 issue of the company paper.

  (C) To be reported in the July 15 issue of the company paper are the promotions, retirements, deaths, and other actions which were approved at the board of directors’ May meeting.

  (D) Meeting in May, the promotions, retirements, and other actions approved by the board of directors, including obituaries, will be reported in the July 15 issue of the company paper.(E)

  (E) The July 15 issue of the company paper will report on promotions, retirements, and other actions approved by the board of directors at its May meeting; the paper will also include obituaries.




  7.Los Angeles has a higher number of family dwellings per capita than any large city.

  (A) a higher number of family dwellings per capita than any large city

  (B) higher numbers of family dwellings per capita than any other large city

  (C) a higher number of family dwellings per capita than does any other large city

  (D) higher numbers of family dwellings per capita than do other large cities(C)

  (E) a high per capita number of family dwellings, more than does any other large city


  8.It is not likely that the competitive imbalance that now exists between Japan with all major industrial nations will be redressed during the foreseeable future.

  (A) with all major industrial nations will be redressed during

  (B) with all other major industrial nations will be redressed within

  (C) with all other major industrial nations will be redressed during

  (D) and all major industrial nations will be redressed during(E)

  (E) and all other major industrial nations will be redressed within





  9.Upset by the recent downturn in production numbers during the first half of the year, the possibility of adding worker incentives was raised by the board of directors at its quarterly meeting.

  (A) the possibility of adding worker incentives was raised by the board of directors at its quarterly meeting

  (B) the addition of worker incentives was raised as a possibility by the board of directors at its quarterly meeting

  (C) added worker incentives was raised by the board of directors at its quarterly meeting as a possibility

  (D) the board of directors raised at its quarterly meeting the possibility of worker incentives being added(E)

  (E) the board of directors, at its quarterly meeting, raised the possibility of adding worker incentives

  这道题目属于典型的分词省略结构类型的考题,题干放了过去分词upset, 意思是被最近的销售上的下降所沮丧了,谁被沮丧呢,逻辑主语必然是人,所以A,B,C的逻辑都是错误的,因为它们的主语不是人,答案应该选E,把句子的主语换为了管理者的董事会,应该是他们被沮丧了。

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