
2017-08-10 作者: 416阅读



  VING 修饰用法总结

  一,V+ing,SVO 可以修饰主语、谓语 noun modifier or verb modifier

  v-ing放到句子之前,不用太关心verb modifier,还是叫noun modifier,都无所谓,因为他就是针对主语的且和主句意思有关

  Using the lastest technology, the engineer identified the problem. (verb modifier)

  Using accounts of various ancient writers,scholarshave painted a sketchy picture of the activitiesof anall-female cult that, perhaps as early as the sixthcentury B.C., worshipped a goddess known in Latin asBona Dea, “the good goddess.” (noun modifier)

  二,S,V+ing,VO 修饰主语 noun modifier

  Neuroscientists, V-ing, verb + object.

  三,SVO VING(无逗号) 作为noun modifier,遵从touch rule,修饰临近的noun


  Many daring vacationers who participatein guided boat tours on the Tarcoles River encounter native crocodiles lurking in the shallows, with eyes and noses peeking out from the surface of the murky water.

  四,SVO,V-ing 是 verb modifier, 切记 绝对没有noun-modify


  OG12-30For members of the seventeenth-century Ashanti nation in Africa, animal-hide shields with wooden frames were essential items of military equipment, a method to protect warriors against enemy arrows and spears.

  A. a method to protect

  B. as a method protecting

  C. Protecting(C)

  D. as a protection of

  E. to protect

  可能认为protecting 是修饰items或equipment, 但是"svo comma v-ing"必须是verb modifier!OG对此的解释是 revealing the purpose of the items.体会下为什么不说modify the items of military equipment? 因此protecting是 adv,表目的。


  shields were essential items of military equipment, protecting warriors against enemy arrows and spears.

  如果你认为这是个noun modifier,那么就是根据touch rule, 修饰military equipment,或者是"essential items of military equipment".

  可是,你从意思上看,你觉得"protecting warriors against enemy arrows and spears" 是military equipment的作用么?军事设备就是这么描述的?

  显然,"protecting ..." 描述的是shields的作用,或者说补充说明这整个一句话的意思" shields were military equipment",因此,一定一定是adverbial modifier.


  He was a great realist, writing ordinary men and women in their misfortunes

  I am a Harvard student, entering my senior year.

  显然,"entering my senior year"说的是我,或者修饰"I am a Harvard student"这件事情

  不能理解为是一个noun modifier修饰"Harvard student",因为你不能说所有哈佛学生都马上上大四。

  *关于于主系表结构难以套用到SVO, Ving 下述原则中,因为主系表结构中前面的主句中不是一个事件或者是一个动作,而只是阐明了主语的一种属性:在这种情况下需要判断的是这个v-ing结构是否合理的阐明了前面句子成分的一种属性、状态、用途、目的等等等。(动作也是一种状态,比如我正在吃饭,和我现在是学生一样都是表明了我的一个状态,把状态理解为一个广义上的action, 会比较好理解。 I am a Harvard student, entering my senior year, 应该就是满足了2)A的条件,是伴随的意思吧。)

  II 用法讲解:相当于副词adverbial modifier,必需满足

  1)①modifies the entire action of the preceding clause 注意是指前面紧接的那个子句而非一定是主句!!!②and applies to the subject within that clause, 直接的(伴随)、间接的(结果),都算applies

  2):one of the following is true:

  A the "ing" action isSIMULTANEOUS with, and SUBORDINATE to, the main action;

  - i ran down the sidewalk, flapping my armswildly

  B the "ing" action is a DIRECTAND IMMEDIATE CONSEQUENCE of the main action.

  - i got a 100 on the most recent exam,bringing my average up to 91

  ① 理解the entire action of the preceding clause

  OG 65

  In a plan to stop the erosion of East Coast beaches, the Army Corps of Engineers proposed building parallel to shore a breakwater of rocks that would rise six feet above the waterline and act as a buffer, so that it absorbs the energy of crashing waves and protecting the beaches.

  (A) act as a buffer, so that it absorbs

  (B) act like a buffer so as to absorb

  (C) act as a buffer, absorbing

  (D) acting as a buffer, absorbing

  (E) acting like a buffer, absorb

  首先,不能理解为修饰buffer。buffer在物理学里是减震器,生化里面是缓冲液,不管怎么说,都不可能用"absorbing the energy of crashing waves ..."来描述"buffer"。这题是说:

  A that would do xxx and act as a buffer, absorbing .....

  A=a breakwater of rocks

  所以说", absorbing ...."是修饰整个这部分"A that would do xxx and act as a buffer"

  有同学注意到,这一部分是充当全句的宾语,所以就有疑问:为什么absorbing .....会修饰这个宾语"a breakwater of rocks" (A)?


  modifies the entire action of the preceding clause

  注意:这里是preceding clause,而不是说主句——甭管这个句子多么复杂,只管前面那个从句。这句话里面,preceding clause就是指that引导的从句:"A that would do xxx and act as a buffer"

  ②理解apply to the subject

  A. the "ing" action is SIMULTANEOUS with, and SUBORDINATE to, the main action;

  - i ran down the sidewalk, flapping my arms wildly.

  这里“表伴随”,", flapping my arms wildly" 修饰前面整个动作,同时这个动作也是主语发出的,所以"applies to the subject".

  B. the "ing" action is a DIRECT AND IMMEDIATE CONSEQUENCE of the main action.

  - i got a 100 on the most recent exam, bringing my average up to 91


  第一个动作是got a 100 on the most recent exam,第二个动作是由第一个动作直接产生的bringing my average up to 91。我们这么理解:主语发出了第一个动作,由此产生了第二个动作所以,第二个动作是由主语间接发出的, 也就是说"applies to the subject".

  OG 47

  Five fledgling sea eagles lt their nests in western Scotland this summer, bringing to 34 the number of wild birds successfully raised transplants from Norway began in 1975.

  A bringing

  B and brings

  C and it brings

  D and it brought

  E and brought

  这里bringing这个动作eagles发不出,从applies to 的角度可以理解了。

  ③体会要simultaneous 和 directand immediate consequence

  在于 IF v-ing serves as a verb form, i.e. not a gerund or an adj.

  THEN the v-ing action is attached to the pertinent time frame.

  Example 1: when is the action of "cleaning the street" taken place in each of the following cases?

  I saw a man cleaning the street.

  I see a man cleaning the street.

  I will see a man cleaning the street.

  Example 2: OG-12 95, correct sentence as below:

  The peaks of a mountain range, acting like rocks in a streambed, produce ripples in the air flowing over them; the resulting flow pattern, with crests and troughs that remain stationary although the air that forms them is moving rapidly, is known as “standing waves.”

  Question: why does the author use "is moving" not "moves"?


  the "right now" sense of this tense applies when it is used in the main clause of a sentence.

  however, when it is used in a subordinate clause, then its meaning isn&apost necessarily "right now" anymore -- the meaning is "going on at the same time as the action in the main clause, and viewed as a background / ambient event".


  James is always calm, even when everyone else is going crazy.

  --> this doesn&apost necessarily mean that everyone else is going crazy right now; rather, it just means that james still, in general, remains calm when things *do* happen to be that way.

  same here.

  即 ‘Is’ 用在主句中,表示的是正在进行的意思,但如果在从句中只是用来表示与主句动作同时,并且被视作背景或周围环境。

  OG 21:Neuroscientists. having amassed a wealth of knowledge over the past twenty years about the brain and its development from birth to adulthood, are now drawing solid conclusions about how the human brain grows and how babies acquire language.(原句正确)

  (D) Neuroscientists have amassed a wealth of knowledge over the past twenty years about the brain and its development from birth to adulthood,

  (E) Neuroscientists have amassed, over the past twenty years, a wealth of knowledge about the brain and its development from birth to adulthood,

  DE 不正确在于

  其结构 Neuroscientists have amassed bla bla over the past 20 yrs, now drawing bla bla. 两个动作所在的time frames根本就不同,

  TIPS:noun modifier 必须满足touch rule

  Verb modifer位置比较宽松,放在句首、句尾都可,但一定要applies to the subject。






GMAT语法之ving修饰用法总结OG 65



  VING 修饰用法总结

  一,V+ing,SVO 可以修饰主语、谓语 noun modifier or verb modifier

  v-ing放到句子之前,不用太关心verb modifier,还是叫noun modifier,都无所谓,因为他就是针对主语的且和主句意思有关

  Using the lastest technology, the engineer identified the problem. (verb modifier)

  Using accounts of various ancient writers,scholarshave painted a sketchy picture of the activitiesof anall-female cult that, perhaps as early as the sixthcentury B.C., worshipped a goddess known in Latin asBona Dea, “the good goddess.” (noun modifier)

  二,S,V+ing,VO 修饰主语 noun modifier

  Neuroscientists, V-ing, verb + object.

  三,SVO VING(无逗号) 作为noun modifier,遵从touch rule,修饰临近的noun


  Many daring vacationers who participatein guided boat tours on the Tarcoles River encounter native crocodiles lurking in the shallows, with eyes and noses peeking out from the surface of the murky water.

  四,SVO,V-ing 是 verb modifier, 切记 绝对没有noun-modify


  OG12-30For members of the seventeenth-century Ashanti nation in Africa, animal-hide shields with wooden frames were essential items of military equipment, a method to protect warriors against enemy arrows and spears.

  A. a method to protect

  B. as a method protecting

  C. Protecting(C)

  D. as a protection of

  E. to protect

  可能认为protecting 是修饰items或equipment, 但是"svo comma v-ing"必须是verb modifier!OG对此的解释是 revealing the purpose of the items.体会下为什么不说modify the items of military equipment? 因此protecting是 adv,表目的。


  shields were essential items of military equipment, protecting warriors against enemy arrows and spears.

  如果你认为这是个noun modifier,那么就是根据touch rule, 修饰military equipment,或者是"essential items of military equipment".

  可是,你从意思上看,你觉得"protecting warriors against enemy arrows and spears" 是military equipment的作用么?军事设备就是这么描述的?

  显然,"protecting ..." 描述的是shields的作用,或者说补充说明这整个一句话的意思" shields were military equipment",因此,一定一定是adverbial modifier.


  He was a great realist, writing ordinary men and women in their misfortunes

  I am a Harvard student, entering my senior year.

  显然,"entering my senior year"说的是我,或者修饰"I am a Harvard student"这件事情

  不能理解为是一个noun modifier修饰"Harvard student",因为你不能说所有哈佛学生都马上上大四。

  *关于于主系表结构难以套用到SVO, Ving 下述原则中,因为主系表结构中前面的主句中不是一个事件或者是一个动作,而只是阐明了主语的一种属性:在这种情况下需要判断的是这个v-ing结构是否合理的阐明了前面句子成分的一种属性、状态、用途、目的等等等。(动作也是一种状态,比如我正在吃饭,和我现在是学生一样都是表明了我的一个状态,把状态理解为一个广义上的action, 会比较好理解。 I am a Harvard student, entering my senior year, 应该就是满足了2)A的条件,是伴随的意思吧。)

  II 用法讲解:相当于副词adverbial modifier,必需满足

  1)①modifies the entire action of the preceding clause 注意是指前面紧接的那个子句而非一定是主句!!!②and applies to the subject within that clause, 直接的(伴随)、间接的(结果),都算applies

  2):one of the following is true:

  A the "ing" action isSIMULTANEOUS with, and SUBORDINATE to, the main action;

  - i ran down the sidewalk, flapping my armswildly

  B the "ing" action is a DIRECTAND IMMEDIATE CONSEQUENCE of the main action.

  - i got a 100 on the most recent exam,bringing my average up to 91

  ① 理解the entire action of the preceding clause





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