
2017-08-10 作者: 22阅读


18:People have duty to disobey laws they consider unjust



19:Location has traditionally been one of the most important determinants of a business’s success. The importance of location is not likely to change, no matter how advanced the development of computer communications and others kinds of technology becomes.



1. 事实上现在的趋势是:由于网络电话电子通讯交通越来越便利,地点对与一个企业来说正在变得越来越不重要。无形的商品可以通过网络、电话进行购买,和使用的地点不是很重要了。例如:保险、电子期刊等。有形商品由于售货方式的改变,地址的重要性也在淡化。很多厂家通过在互联网上展示自己产品的照片和电话直销的形式销售商品。其中比较突出的例子就是AMWAYDELL

2. 当然有很多的需要体验和身体力行的产品供应商的地址还是很重要的,象是餐饮业健身房等。 trend tendency net telecommunication transportation location position site important significant determinant factor reason tangible intangible palpable tactile touchable insurance electronic periodic periodical production goods commodity manufacturer producer essentiality significance importance strengthen reinforce weaken demonstrate show exhibit display conveient

1. location的重要性体现在:首先,在交通便利的地方,比如沿海地区,near the sea or the river,有利于运输transportation of the cargo…,这也是为什么沿海地区经济通常发达的原因。第二,经济发达的地区,人们的购买能力比较强purchasing power。the demand of various goods may be relatively greater. 有利于the sale.

2. Admittedly, the burgeoning technologies have changed the way of purchasing and selling. However, the extent, to which such technologies will threaten the pivotal role played by location in business, depends on the types of such business. 首先,对于很多retail business, 需要面对面地persuade the consumers to buy,比如化妆品cosmetics. 再比如,try on the clothes and compare the different types and textures…地点仍然是十分重要的。dinner out…

3. Things may be different when it comes to other kinds of companies, for example, those who used to produce large-scale goods make sale depends on the contract signed with other companies. 现在的网络,以及先进的运输,都改变了这些操作模式,他们不再需要面对面接触彼此,也不必过多考虑运输的费用,因为一切都很简单,所以地点变得不那么重要。

View1. To many traditional businesses location still plan an fatal role on its success.

Evidence: restaurants transportation services

View2. as commuter technology and electronic communication become more and more convenient, the intangible locations on the internet have replaced the location in the real world in some business areas.

Evidence: Electronic publications, on line banks, internet retail stores, DELL



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