2017-08-10 201阅读
10. 5次
V1. B岛国5年前举办了一场足球赛,随后旅游的人数增加,现在某人建议要再办一个国际体育盛会,预计能带来游客数量上升和经济增长。
V2.一个岛国B 5年前开了一个足球比赛,最近三年内游客人数涨了25%。所以说为了促进更多的游客来,我们B应该举行更多的比赛。才能带了更多的游客数量和利润。
原题:The country of Bonaria held a major soccer event five years ago. Therore, if the country continues to hold major sport events, tourism will increase rapidly in the country and thus bring benits to the country&aposs economy.
[v1]一个B城市:5年前hold an succor competition. 发现相比在这个competition 3年前,在这个competition举办后的3年的number of tourists increased 25%。所有呢,这个B城市打算再举办一次类似的sport event 来吸引游客。这个城市B相信,这个sport event会增加游客人数,同时benit the country economy.
[v2] AA:5年前办了一个足球比赛,后来旅游发展很好,所以我们应该引进更多的国际体育赛事到B市,就可以吸引游客,带动经济发展
[v3] B国家五年前hosted a international soccer competition 游客增加 所以市长未来想要再办类似的比赛以增加观光收入和国家收益
11. 5次
某服装公司生产T-shirts,。。。和。。。,针对人群是youth。在全国各个retail outlets里面销售。连续五年销售增长,因此决定开12个店来销售。Analyst 建议说大家赶紧买他家的股票。不仅仅因为他家销售量增长,还因为他们的CEO原来是个rock star. 销售量和star power会给买股票的人带来巨大收益。
V1一个新的服装企业 发展五年要开自己的retail store ,作者建议clients 购进这个企业的衣服,因为有很强的竞争力,而且CEO是原来很有名气的rock star (我总觉得是艾薇儿的那个clothes line)
V3.讲的是一个young rising company 扩张了自己的业务,并且为了company的成功给出了两种预测——第一个是由于员工的极力推荐,可以使这个这个公司的发展获得成功。第二个是由于该company 的CEO是一个rock star,通过该CEO的star power也可以促使这个young rising company 获得成功
说有间clothing is the new trend for youth apparel,然后financial analyst 建议investment firm to purchase this company based on the following。
因为:1.the company has been profitable in past 5 years 2.management has been very aggressive in expansion. They plan to open 125 stores this year 3. CEO is a former rock star and the album has been the top sales. The star power will be Influential
某后起的服装公司专门生产迎合年轻人潮流的牛仔裤等休闲衣物, 之前五年都是通过零售商销售的, 销售连续增长。 最近这家公司准备建立自己的销售渠道,在商场里设自己直营的专卖店。 我们建议客户马上去买他们的股票。 因为1,这家公司很有实力,管理很激进。 2,他家CEO是一个有若干金曲的前摇滚明星,在年轻人里有知名度,可以保证销量和品牌效应。
12. 4次
原题:The following editorial appeared in the Elm City paper.
“The construction last year of a shopping mall in downtown Oak City was a mistake. Since the mall has opened, a number of local businesses have closed, and the downtown area suffers from an acute parking shortage, and arrests for crime and vagrancy have increased in the nearby Oak City Park. Elm City should pay attention to the example of the Oak City mall and deny the application to build a shopping mall in Elm City.” (52)
1. 作者所给出的所有问题和商场的建设都是时间上的前后关系而没有给出证据显示他们的因果关系
2. 作者只给出了不好的结果而没有给出好的影响很可能权衡利弊之后被选择的是要开这个商场
3. 这个商场的建立不应该也不能由此就否定以后所有的商场的建立
1, To begin with, the author fails to establish the causal relationship between the shopping mall&aposs opening and the closing of local businesses.
2, Moreover, the author&aposs conclusion is also based on the assumption that the shopping mall has caused the increase in crime and vagrancy.
3, Finally, even if the shopping mall did cause the closing of local business and the increasing crime and vagrancy in Oak City, the author&aposs prediction that Elm City will suffer from the same fate as Oak City is still open to doubt.
13. 4次
现在大部分都喜欢去网上阅读电子书或者读电子版的书。有些人喜欢读古典文学。一个survey 72%的人喜欢读电子书,81%的人喜欢读古典文学。所以这个投资公司应该投资一些新的公司,比如那些经营网络电子书的公司,特别是文学的。
原题:The following appeared as part of a business plan by the Capital Idea Investment firm.
“Currently more and more books are becoming available in electronic form — either free of charge on the Internet or for a very low price per book on CD-ROM.* People who would not pay bookstore prices will now have access to whatever book they want from their home or work computers. Consequently, literary classics are likely to be read more widely than ever bore: 72 percent of those responding to a recent online survey said they would read books in electronic form, and 81 percent said they believed that reading classic works was important. Given this newly developing market, we should invest in E-Classics, a new company that sells electronic versions of literary classics.”
*A CD-ROM is a small portable disc capable of storing relatively large amounts of data that can be read by a computer.
报纸的图书版的文章: 现在越来越多的书有了电子版,或者放在网上免费获得,或者在光盘上以很低的价格出售。因此文学经典可以得到比以前更广泛的阅读。不能以书店价格购买这些书的人现在可以用很少的钱或者不花钱来阅读他们。类似的,觉得去图书馆或者等待其他人还书不方便的人现在可以通过家里或者工作用的电脑得到他想要的任何名著。这和文学名著接触的增长将从根本上影响公众的阅读品味,塑造比以前更成熟更博学的读者。
1. More accesses to cheaper books do not necessarily guarantee the desire to read classics.
2. the survey is doubtful
3. It is hard to make profit when there are so many E-books available on the net.
14. 5次
有200个Waymarsh的students参加了一个protest,而the other 12,000 stayed in campus,说所以有人认为那12,000个更好地代表了全state的学生,所以不用响应他们的protest.
The following appeared in the editorial section of a local newspaper:
“This past winter, 200 students from Waymarsh State College traveled to the state capitol building to protest against proposed cuts in funding for various state college programs. The other 12,000 Waymarsh students evidently weren’t so concerned about their education: they either stayed on campus or lt for winter break. Since the group who did not protest is far more numerous, it is more representative of the state’s college students than are the protesters. Therore the state legislature need not heed the appeals of the protesting students.”
1. 代表学生的形成方式不知道。如果是随机产生的,那么去反对的学生完全可以代表学生总体。
2. 没去的学生不一定不关心。他们可能有更重要的事情要忙。例如要赶回家过圣诞节。有已经订好的寒假计划等等。
3. 此外,没去的学生之所以没有去很可能是因为他们觉得那些代表足可以代表他们表达心声。
15. 6次
一个航空公司收到的complaint很少, 不到1%, 所以认定不用提高这项服务就可以maintain customer
原题:The following appeared in an Avia Airlines departmental memorandum:
“On average, 9 out of every 1,000 passengers who traveled on Avia Airlines last year filed a complaint about our baggage-handling procedures. This means that although some 1 percent of our passengers were unhappy with those procedures, the overwhelming majority were quite satisfied with them; thus it would appear that a review of the procedures is not important to our goal of maintaining or increasing the number of Avia’s passengers.”(39)
3和别的航空公司比较如何seriousness trivailize
1, 没有complaint不代表没有不满。
2, 没有跟其他公司对比,同时并不知道总数。
10. 5次
V1. B岛国5年前举办了一场足球赛,随后旅游的人数增加,现在某人建议要再办一个国际体育盛会,预计能带来游客数量上升和经济增长。
V2.一个岛国B 5年前开了一个足球比赛,最近三年内游客人数涨了25%。所以说为了促进更多的游客来,我们B应该举行更多的比赛。才能带了更多的游客数量和利润。
原题:The country of Bonaria held a major soccer event five years ago. Therore, if the country continues to hold major sport events, tourism will increase rapidly in the country and thus bring benits to the country&aposs economy.
[v1]一个B城市:5年前hold an succor competition. 发现相比在这个competition 3年前,在这个competition举办后的3年的number of tourists increased 25%。所有呢,这个B城市打算再举办一次类似的sport event 来吸引游客。这个城市B相信,这个sport event会增加游客人数,同时benit the country economy.
[v2] AA:5年前办了一个足球比赛,后来旅游发展很好,所以我们应该引进更多的国际体育赛事到B市,就可以吸引游客,带动经济发展
[v3] B国家五年前hosted a international soccer competition 游客增加 所以市长未来想要再办类似的比赛以增加观光收入和国家收益
11. 5次
某服装公司生产T-shirts,。。。和。。。,针对人群是youth。在全国各个retail outlets里面销售。连续五年销售增长,因此决定开12个店来销售。Analyst 建议说大家赶紧买他家的股票。不仅仅因为他家销售量增长,还因为他们的CEO原来是个rock star. 销售量和star power会给买股票的人带来巨大收益。
V1一个新的服装企业 发展五年要开自己的retail store ,作者建议clients 购进这个企业的衣服,因为有很强的竞争力,而且CEO是原来很有名气的rock star (我总觉得是艾薇儿的那个clothes line)
V3.讲的是一个young rising company 扩张了自己的业务,并且为了company的成功给出了两种预测——第一个是由于员工的极力推荐,可以使这个这个公司的发展获得成功。第二个是由于该company 的CEO是一个rock star,通过该CEO的star power也可以促使这个young rising company 获得成功
说有间clothing is the new trend for youth apparel,然后financial analyst 建议investment firm to purchase this company based on the following。
因为:1.the company has been profitable in past 5 years 2.management has been very aggressive in expansion. They plan to open 125 stores this year 3. CEO is a former rock star and the album has been the top sales. The star power will be Influential
某后起的服装公司专门生产迎合年轻人潮流的牛仔裤等休闲衣物, 之前五年都是通过零售商销售的, 销售连续增长。 最近这家公司准备建立自己的销售渠道,在商场里设自己直营的专卖店。 我们建议客户马上去买他们的股票。 因为1,这家公司很有实力,管理很激进。 2,他家CEO是一个有若干金曲的前摇滚明星,在年轻人里有知名度,可以保证销量和品牌效应。
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