
2017-08-10 作者: 147阅读


  16. 4次某个公司发survey问他们的employee what is needed to imrpoved most, 得到的结论是希望有更多和management的接触,于是这个公司准备开展communication sessions conducting by high-tech management,并且employee都可以自发参加,由此得出结论通过这种方法一定可以满足

  The following appeared in a memorandum from the director of human resources to the executive officers of Company X:

  “Last year, we surveyed our employees on improvements needed at Company X by having them rank, in order of importance, the issues presented in a list of possible improvements. Improved communications between employees and management was consistently ranked as the issue of highest importance by the employees who responded to the survey. As you know, we have since instituted regular communications sessions conducted by high-level management, which the employees can attend on a voluntary basis. Therore, it is likely that most employees at Company X now feel that the improvement most needed at the company has been made.”

  17. 5次

  建议SanPerdito市换下现任市长Monyota,改选前任市长Varro,因为在M的任期内population decrease, business close, people lose job等等。而V的任期内各种繁荣XX。Montoya 在位期间人口降低,失业率升高, varro在位反之,所以该怎么怎么样。

  题库原题11:The following appeared in the editorial section of a local newspaper.

  “In the first four years that Montoya has served as mayor of the city of San Perdito, the population has decreased and the unemployment rate has increased. Two businesses have closed for each new business that has opened. Under Varro, who served as mayor for four years bore Montoya, the unemployment rate decreased and the population increased. Clearly, the residents of San Perdito would be best served if they voted Montoya out of office and reelected Varro.”


  在Montoya当San Perdito市长的头4年里,人口下降而失业率上升。每当一个新企业开业,就有两个旧的关门。而在Montoya之前Uarro当市长的4年里,失业率下降人口增长。很明显,San Perdito的居民重新选举Varro而非Montoya会得到更好的服务。


  1. It is fallacious reasoning unless other possible casual explanations have been considered and ruled out. recession depression downturn低迷时期 is part of a picture of ... mayor

  2. set the stage for Yet another possibility is that Varro enjoyed a period of economic stability and Varro&aposs own administration set the stage for the unemployment and the decline in population .

  3. availability emotionally intentionally specific specifically anger angry citizen thereby bypass

  4. cast one&aposs vote for sb. eliminate abolish casual emotional appeal

  1, 缺乏standard ratio of the closed business to new business in the whole country, 不能说两个倒闭一个开就是坏事,很可能淘汰eliminate through selection or contest了out of date的企业,建立了更多具有competitive advantages 的企业。也是好事。

  2, 未排除他因造成了不同。很可能是因为在P在任期间,全国的经济不景气,造成了事业更增加。而不是两个市长的不同。假定过去和现在一样,也是个错误!recession depression downturn低迷时期


  The recommendation endorsed in this argument is that residents of San Perdito vote current mayor Montoya out of office, and re-elect former mayor Varro. The reasons cited are that during Montoya’s four years in office the population has decreased while unemployment has increased, whereas during Varro’s term unemployment declined while the population grew. This argument involves the sort of gross oversimplification and emotional appeal typical of political rhetoric; for this reason it is unconvincing.

  First of all, the author assumes that the Montoya administration caused the unemployment in San Perdito as well as its population loss. The line of reasoning is that because Montoya was elected bore the rise in unemployment and the decline in population, the former event caused the latter. But this is fallacious reasoning unless other possible causal explanations have been considered and ruled out. For example, perhaps a statewide or nationwide recession is the cause of these events. Or perhaps the current economic downturn is part of a larger picture of economic cycles and trends, and has nothing to do with who happens to be mayor. Yet another possibility is that Varro enjoyed a period of economic stability and Varro’s own administration set the stage for the unemployment and the decline in population the city is now experiencing under Montoya.

  Secondly, job availability and the economic health of one’s community are issues that affect people emotionally. The argument at hand might have been intentionally oversimplified for the specific purpose of angering citizens of San Perdito, and thereby turning them against the incumbent mayor. Arguments that bypass relevant, complex reasoning in favor of stirring up emotions do nothing to establish their conclusions; they are also unfair to the parties involved.

  In conclusion, I would not cast my vote for Varro on the basis of this weak argument. The author must provide support for the assumption that Mayor Montoya has caused San Perdito’s poor economy. Moreover, such support would have to involve examining and eliminating other possible causal factors. Only with more convincing evidence could this argument become more than just an emotional appeal.

  18. 4次

  学校宿舍的空置率高了,为了降低空置率,学校提出三个办法:reduce the number of campus housing;prevent students from living off-campus;lower the rent of campus housing.

  原题:The following appeared in the editorial section of a campus newspaper.

  “Because occupancy rates for campus housing fell during the last academic year, so did housing revenues. To solve the problem, campus housing officials should reduce the number of available housing units, thereby increasing the occupancy rates. Also, to keep students from choosing to live off-campus, housing officials should lower the rents, thereby increasing demand.”








  题库原题:34. The following appeared as part of a plan proposed by an executive of the Easy Credit Company to the president.

  “The Easy Credit Company would gain an advantage over competing credit card services if we were to donate a portion of the proceeds from the use of our cards to a well-known environmental organization in exchange for the use of its symbol or logo on our card. Since a recent poll shows that a large percentage of the public is concerned about environmental issues, this policy would attract new customers, increase use among existing customers, and enable us to charge interest rates that are higher than the lowest ones available.”


  In this argument the author concludes that the Easy Credit Company would gain several advantages over its competitors by donating a portion of its profits to a well-known environmental organization in exchange for the use of the organization’s logo on their credit card. The author reaches this conclusion on the basis of a recent poll that shows widespread public concern about environmental issues. Among the advantages of this policy, the author foresees an increase in credit card use by existing customers, the ability to charge higher interest rates, and the ability to attract new customers. While the author’s argument has some merit, it suffers from two critical problems.

  To begin with, the author assumes that the environmental organization whose logo is sought is concerned with the same environmental issues about which the poll shows widespread concern. However, the author provides no evidence that this is the case. It is possible that very few credit-card users are concerned about the issues that are the organization’s areas of concern; if so, then it is unlikely that the organization’s logo would attract much business for the Easy Credit Company.

  Next, the author assumes that the public’s concern about environmental issues will result in its taking steps to do something about the problem—in this case, to use the Easy Credit Company credit card. This assumption is unsupported and runs contrary to experience. Also, it is more reasonable to assume that people who are concerned about a particular cause will choose a more direct means of expressing their concern.

  In conclusion, the author’s argument is unconvincing as it stands. To strengthen the argument, the author must show a positive link between the environmental issues about which the public has expressed concern and the issues with which this particular environmental organization is concerned. In addition, the author must provide evidence to support the assumption that concern about a problem will cause people to do something about the problem.

  20原题:4次The following is taken from an editorial in a local newspaper

  “Over the past decade, the price per pound of citrus fruit has increased substantially. Eleven years ago, Megamart charged 5 cents apiece for lemons, but today it commonly charges over 30 cents apiece. In only one of these last eleven years was the weather unfavorable for growing citrus crops. Evidently, then, citrus growers have been responsible for the excessive increase in the price of citrus fruit, and strict pricing regulations are needed to prevent them from continuing to inflate prices.”(89)





  1, 小范围推大范围。

  2, 忽略他因,是否只有一种因素导致价格上升——不适合生长。。。还有,比如环境保护,加工价格上升,人力成本上升,或者单纯的物价上涨。。。monetary inflation, increased distribution and labor costs, or alterations in supply and demand conditions

  1, 柠檬缺乏代表性,或者说,柠檬有其特殊性,譬如柠檬都是进口的,比较贵;

  2, 天气好不一定代表物价要低,因为种植柑橘的农民已经动用了可用的资源了,产量无法再多了;

  3, 是否物价高就是农民肆意抬高的缘故,可能是dealers在其中的作用;

  政府是否要介入,虽然价格变贵了,但是targeted customers没有变化,对整个国民经济影响不大


  In this editorial the author argues for the imposition of strict pricing regulations in order to prevent citrus growers from continued inflation of prices of citrus fruit. The need for such regulation is supported by the author’s contention that citrus growers have been unnecessarily raising prices of citrus fruit in the past. The evidence for this allegation is the fact that the price of lemons at Megamart has increased from 15 cents per pound to over a dollar a pound during the preceding 11-year period. The author maintains that this increase is unjustifiable because weather conditions have been favorable to citrus production in all but one of those years. This argument is flawed for several reasons.

  First and foremost, the author assumes that the only factor that influences the price of citrus fruit is the weather. Other factors such as monetary inflation, increased distribution and labor costs, or alterations in supply and demand conditions are completely ignored as possible sources for the increase. The charge that citrus growers have unnecessarily raised prices can be sustained only if these and other possible factors can be completely ruled out as contributing to the price increases. Since the author fails to address these factors, the recommendation calling for strict pricing regulations can be dismissed out of hand as frivolous.

  Second, the author assumes that the only way to combat increased prices is through government intervention. In a free enterprise system many other means of affecting the pricing of goods are available. For example, boycotting a product and thereby influencing supply and demand conditions of the commodity is an fective means of influencing the price of the product. In a free market economy the call for price regulation by the government should occur only when all other means to rectify the problem have been exhausted.

  In conclusion, the author’s argument is unconvincing. To strengthen the argument it would be necessary to show that the only factor influencing the price increases is the growers’ desire for increased profits.




  16. 4次某个公司发survey问他们的employee what is needed to imrpoved most, 得到的结论是希望有更多和management的接触,于是这个公司准备开展communication sessions conducting by high-tech management,并且employee都可以自发参加,由此得出结论通过这种方法一定可以满足

  The following appeared in a memorandum from the director of human resources to the executive officers of Company X:

  “Last year, we surveyed our employees on improvements needed at Company X by having them rank, in order of importance, the issues presented in a list of possible improvements. Improved communications between employees and management was consistently ranked as the issue of highest importance by the employees who responded to the survey. As you know, we have since instituted regular communications sessions conducted by high-level management, which the employees can attend on a voluntary basis. Therore, it is likely that most employees at Company X now feel that the improvement most needed at the company has been made.”

  17. 5次

  建议SanPerdito市换下现任市长Monyota,改选前任市长Varro,因为在M的任期内population decrease, business close, people lose job等等。而V的任期内各种繁荣XX。Montoya 在位期间人口降低,失业率升高, varro在位反之,所以该怎么怎么样。

  题库原题11:The following appeared in the editorial section of a local newspaper.

  “In the first four years that Montoya has served as mayor of the city of San Perdito, the population has decreased and the unemployment rate has increased. Two businesses have closed for each new business that has opened. Under Varro, who served as mayor for four years bore Montoya, the unemployment rate decreased and the population increased. Clearly, the residents of San Perdito would be best served if they voted Montoya out of office and reelected Varro.”


  在Montoya当San Perdito市长的头4年里,人口下降而失业率上升。每当一个新企业开业,就有两个旧的关门。而在Montoya之前Uarro当市长的4年里,失业率下降人口增长。很明显,San Perdito的居民重新选举Varro而非Montoya会得到更好的服务。


  1. It is fallacious reasoning unless other possible casual explanations have been considered and ruled out. recession depression downturn低迷时期 is part of a picture of ... mayor

  2. set the stage for Yet another possibility is that Varro enjoyed a period of economic stability and Varro&aposs own administration set the stage for the unemployment and the decline in population .

  3. availability emotionally intentionally specific specifically anger angry citizen thereby bypass

  4. cast one&aposs vote for sb. eliminate abolish casual emotional appeal

  1, 缺乏standard ratio of the closed business to new business in the whole country, 不能说两个倒闭一个开就是坏事,很可能淘汰eliminate through selection or contest了out of date的企业,建立了更多具有competitive advantages 的企业。也是好事。

  2, 未排除他因造成了不同。很可能是因为在P在任期间,全国的经济不景气,造成了事业更增加。而不是两个市长的不同。假定过去和现在一样,也是个错误!recession depression downturn低迷时期


  The recommendation endorsed in this argument is that residents of San Perdito vote current mayor Montoya out of office, and re-elect former mayor Varro. The reasons cited are that during Montoya’s four years in office the population has decreased while unemployment has increased, whereas during Varro’s term unemployment declined while the population grew. This argument involves the sort of gross oversimplification and emotional appeal typical of political rhetoric; for this reason it is unconvincing.

  First of all, the author assumes that the Montoya administration caused the unemployment in San Perdito as well as its population loss. The line of reasoning is that because Montoya was elected bore the rise in unemployment and the decline in population, the former event caused the latter. But this is fallacious reasoning unless other possible causal explanations have been considered and ruled out. For example, perhaps a statewide or nationwide recession is the cause of these events. Or perhaps the current economic downturn is part of a larger picture of economic cycles and trends, and has nothing to do with who happens to be mayor. Yet another possibility is that Varro enjoyed a period of economic stability and Varro’s own administration set the stage for the unemployment and the decline in population the city is now experiencing under Montoya.

  Secondly, job availability and the economic health of one’s community are issues that affect people emotionally. The argument at hand might have been intentionally oversimplified for the specific purpose of angering citizens of San Perdito, and thereby turning them against the incumbent mayor. Arguments that bypass relevant, complex reasoning in favor of stirring up emotions do nothing to establish their conclusions; they are also unfair to the parties involved.

  In conclusion, I would not cast my vote for Varro on the basis of this weak argument. The author must provide support for the assumption that Mayor Montoya has caused San Perdito’s poor economy. Moreover, such support would have to involve examining and eliminating other possible causal factors. Only with more convincing evidence could this argument become more than just an emotional appeal.





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