
2017-08-10 作者: 214阅读



  PREP原题吧 就是很多人呢愿意去买那些杂志上刊登出来的花,有个杂志说为了保护一些珍贵的花不被破坏吧,他们杂志不刊登这些花的信息了吧,所这种POLICY可以很好的保护这些花 问 support LZ选的 : 其他的杂志会效仿这个杂志,也不刊登这些花的信息(By qdldl)



  Editor: Articles in Gardening Magazine often spur sales of the plants they describe, particularly among people new to gardening. Accordingly, we will no longer publish articles or accept advertisements praising the beauty of rare wildflowers. Most such plants sold to gardeners have been difficult to propagate under cultivation, so plant sellers often collect them in the wild. Our new policy is part of our forts to halt this yearly plundering of our native plant populations.

  Which of the following, if true, casts the most doubt on the wisdom of the magazine&aposs new policy as a way of pursuing the intended fect?

  A. When people new to gardening buy plants, they often fail to take adequate care of the plants that they buy and become discouraged from buying those varieties again.

  B. Plant sellers who sell rare wildflowers have no reasonably inexpensive alternative way to offer their wares directly to new gardeners.

  C. The demand for rare wildflowers rarely exceeds the number of such plants that can be collected in the wild by plant sellers.

  D. The propagation of rare wildflowers often depends on the plants&apos interaction with other organisms in their environment, such as plants that create suitable soil conditions or insects and birds that disperse seeds.

  E. Revenues from sales of plants collected in the wild are supporting the discovery of new low-cost techniques enabling rare wildflowers to be readily propagated in nurseries.

  V1有一个逻辑跟管卫东的一道题非常像, 是说稀有植物的杂志发行会让人们更多的破坏稀有植物所以为了保护这些植物我们必须减少杂志的发行…


  选卖野花的人没有其他低成本办法刺激消费者的需求… (760 V41)

  V2野花就是那个杂志,原题是削弱阿. 然后我这次是加强!选项全部变了!就是说杂志社的做法有效,想起来了!


  (小Q750 V40)

  V3(from 稻草飘)730还有道MAGZINE的原题,说杂志上介绍珍稀的花花草草,那些园艺新手就去买,因为这些花花草草很难人工培育,商人就去野外拔!所以杂志决定不再介绍了。以保护这些花花草草。但是题目改成加强题了第 33 页共 42 页


  V4(from seabis)V41一个杂志发现说那些刊登了花卉广告的能吸引人去购买那些花卉增加花商收入,因此我们杂志应该取消刊登某种稀有野花,原因是该种野花很难在室内培养,花商为了满足人们需求会跑到野外去采,所以如果我们刊登广告,这些野花的数量会受很大影响。evaluate? 选项记不得了。

  V5还有一个题原JJ说:某杂志准备取消所有宣传野生植物多么好的文章和广告,因为这些花不易培植,人们把野生的花儿都移到自己家——可是大部分都养不活。问支持. JJ前面对,但后半部分原文是说:这些野生花很难由seller人工培育,所以很多想买的人会选择去野外找这些野生花。杂志社取消野生花的广告会保护这些野生职务。


  V7杂志文章与稀有花草那题,选项与GWD原题不同,有两项是:1)卖花的人开始研究如何培养这些珍稀花草;2)卖花人没有别的inexpensive的方式向new gardeners 推销这些珍稀花草(好像是这个意思),我选了2),大家注意看下选项。——by 杨柳岸边(700+,V37)

  V8:GWD原文的题,稀有花草那个,选项有变化,问support:那些商家除了杂志,没有其他途径stimulate customers(GWD原题的选项是offer xxx)很肯定——by youngerlee(760)

  V9:就是什么杂志本来有些稀有物种的广告提供给初学者,结果为了保护这些植物,取消了这个广告。问下列哪些是可以让杂志社成功的。我的答案选的是:没有其他同等好的途径去market这些稀有植物。——by 桑子夏(750,V40)

  目测是题干一样 但是原理削弱变成加强


  Articles in Gardening Magazine often spur sales of the plants they describe, particularly among people new to gardening.

  Accordingly, we will no longer publish articles or accept advertisements praising the beauty of rare wildflowers.

  Most such plants sold to gardeners have been difficult to propagate under cultivation, so plant sellers often collect them in the wild.

  Our new policy is part of our forts to halt this yearly plundering of our native plant populations.

  Which of the following, if true, casts the most doubt on the wisdom of the magazine&aposs new policy as a way of pursuing the intended fect?

  A. When people new to gardening buy plants, they often fail to take adequate care of the plants that they buy and become discouraged from buying those varieties again.

  B. Plant sellers who sell rare wildflowers have no reasonably inexpensive alternative way to offer their wares directly to new gardeners.(加强选项)

  C. The demand for rare wildflowers rarely exceeds the number of such plants that can be collected in the wild by plant sellers.

  D. The propagation of rare wildflowers often depends on the plants&apos interaction with other organisms in their environment, such as plants that create suitable soil conditions or insects and birds that disperse seeds.

  E. Revenues from sales of plants collected in the wild are supporting the discovery of new low-cost techniques enabling rare wildflowers to be readily propagated in nurseries.

  饭饭分析: 还是计划可行性问题

  因为:新 手看到杂志上的文章就会想要购买这些植物,而这些珍贵植物又不易人工养殖


  New Plan : 是杂志停止刊登珍贵植物的文章

  A 新手买植物的时候通常都会不能很好的照料这些植物,然后就会不愿意再买这些种类的植物了。这个选项跟题干没有关系嘛,无关选项。

  B 卖野花的商家没有便宜的其他方法来把他们的商品买给新手。这个选项讲的是商家除了这杂志就没有做广告 的方法了,那么题中的措施就可以控制新手购买稀有植物了,是加强选项。

  C 对野花的需求量很少会超过能够在野地一采集到的野花的数量。我们讨论的是政策有没有用,所以这个是无关选项。

  D 这种稀有植物的传宗接代一般都是需要靠小飞虫小鸟什么的,讲的是植物的特性,也是无关选项。

  E 卖这些植物的钱都用来开发新的廉价的给这些珍稀花传粉的方法。如果没有这些收入,就会影响到传粉的研 究,因此也会影响到这些花的数量。。削弱这个方案~答案选E



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