
2017-08-10 作者: 185阅读


  1. Though many medieval women possessed devotional books that had belonged to their mothers, formal written evidence of women bequeathing books to their daughters is scarce, which suggests that such bequests were _____ and required no _____.

  Blank (i) Blank (ii)

  A devoted D confidentiality

  B rancorous E idolatry

  C fatuous F criticism

  2. Although Shakespeare received little formal education, scholarship has in recent years _____ the view that he was _____ the work of classical authors.

  Blank(i) Blank(ii)

  A customary D approval

  B unselfish E documentation

  C spuriousF discretion

  3. The president&aposs secretary and his chi aide adored him, and both wrote obsessively _____ personal memoirs about him; unfortunately, however, ____ does not make for true intimacy.

  Blank(i) Blank(ii)

  A substantiated D obsessed by

  B supportedE oblivious to

  C undermined F unfamiliar with

  4. Despite claims that his philosophy can be traced to ____ source, the philosophy in fact draws liberally on several traditions and methodologies and so could justifiably be termed _____.

  Blank (i) Blank (ii)

  A masked D a direct

  B bolstered E a needless

  C enhanced F a circumspect

  5. The tone of Jane Carlyle&aposs letter is guarded, and her feelings are always ____ by the wit and pride that made ____ plea for sympathy impossible for her.

  Blank (i) Blank (ii)

  A modify D resurrecting

  B inhibit E perpetuating

  C supplement F appreciating

  6. Nurturing the Royal Ballet&aposs artistic growth while preserving its institutional stability has been difficult, because the claims of the latter seem inescapably to ____ development; apparently, attaining artistic success is simpler than ____ it.

  Blank (i) Blank (ii)

  A a single D eclectic

  B an authoritative E derivative

  C a schematic F cogent

  7. Biologists ____ isolated oceanic islands like the Galapagos, because, in such small, laboratory-like settings, the rich hurly-burly of continental plant and animal communities is reduced to a scientifically _____ complexity.

  Blank (i) Blank (ii)

  A an irreparableD impose

  B a negative E escape

  C a permanent F enter

  8. We accepted the theory that as people become more independent of one another, they begin to feel so isolated and lonely that freedom becomes ____ condition that most will seek to ____.

  Blank (i) Blank (ii)

  A congruentD erroneous

  B multifaceted E vapid

  C univocalF obtuse

  9. Because they had various meanings in nineteenth-century biological thought,"mechanism" and "vitalism" ought not to be considered ____terms; thus, I find the recent insistence that the terms had single dinitions to be entirely ____.

  Blank (i) Blank (ii)

  A desertD diverse

  B reject E intimidating

  C prize F tractable

  10. The functions of the hands, eyes, and brain are so ______ that using the hands during early childhood helps to promote the child&aposs entire _______ development.

  Blank (i) Blank (ii)

  A intertwinedD perceptual

  B individualizedE adolescent

  C enigmaticF social








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