
2017-08-10 作者: 219阅读


  1. Although the revelation that one of the contestants was a friend lt the judge open to charges of lack of______, the judge remained adamant in her assertion that acquaintance did not necessarily imply______.

  Blank (i) Blank (ii)

  A detachment D tolerance

  B disinterestednessE foreknowledge

  C prejudice F partiality

  2. Although the feeding activities of whales and walruses give the seafloor of the Bering Shelf a devastated appearance, these activities seem to be actually______to the area, ______its productivity.

  Blank (i) Blank (ii)

  A benicial D encumbering

  B detrimental E redirecting

  C superfluousF enhancing

  3. Our new tools of systems analysis, powerful though they may be, lead to______theories, especially, and predictably, in economics and political science, where productive approaches have long been highly______.

  Blank (i) Blank (ii)

  A inelegant D elusive

  B philosophical E ficacious

  C simplisticF ephemeral

  4. The ______questions that consistently structure the study of history must be distinguished from merely______questions, which have their day and then pass into oblivion.

  Blank (i) Blank (ii)

  A philosophical D random

  B perennial E ephemeral

  C misjudgment F disappointing

  5. A war, even if fought for individual liberty and democratic rights, usually requires that these principles be______, for they are______the regimentation and discipline necessary for military ficiency.

  Blank (i) Blank (ii)

  A espoused D contrary to

  Bs uppressed E fulfilled through

  C suspended F incompatible with

  6. Number theory is rich in problems of an especially______sort: they are tantalizingly simple to state but______difficult to solve.

  Blank (i) Blank (ii)

  A cryptic D deceptively

  B abstruse Eostensibly

  C vexing Fnotoriously

  7. No one is ______ about Stephens; he inspires either uncritical adulation or profound ______ in those who work for him.

  Blank (i) Blank (ii)

  A neutral D consternation

  B infuriated E anxiety

  C worriedF antipathy






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