2017gre issue写作优秀实例:技术影响.

2017-08-09 作者: 413阅读



  Humanity has make little real progress over the past century or so. Technological innovations have taken place, but the overall condition of humanity is no better. War,violence, and poverty are still with us. Technology cannot change the condition of humanity.



  In the past decade, the progression of the nature science profoundly influences people’ life. Thus, the issue of that whether technology can change the condition of humanity has been brought to public attention. Some people believe that technology could improve the circumstances of human beings as well as the state of humanity.Others claim that technological innovations could not shape the people’s conditions for there are still some evil things around us. In my view, with the advanced technology,human beings could not only make their life more convenient but also modify their conditions.

  Humanity, in fact, has make real progress in recent years. There are numerous humanitarian institutions around the world and they surely do the actions. For example,the 921 earthquakes, a horrible disaster, took approximate 2,000 people’ lives in Taiwan. There were many foreign rescue teams such as Turkey, Japan, America, etc,coming to help Taiwan and they also provided a great deal of goods and materials for people who lost their family members or homes. Their assistance certainly encouraged Taiwan’s people to go out of their sadness. For another example, International Red Cross Organization, established in 1863, always unselfishly support people without discrimination as to nationality, race, and religious belis. These organizations are unprecedented. Therore, apparently, these are proofs that humanity is constantly progress.获得更多gre考试咨询点击进入>>>>澳际免费咨询顾问或联系QQ客服:

  Admittedly, wars, violence, and poverty are still taken place all over the world. However,people should not deny the development of humanity, because of these unsolved events. It is similar to that although today’s people could not come and go freely in the solar system, no one could neglect the significant progress of the space technology and astronautics today. Thus, people should try to find the solutions to these events rather than shirk and blame their responsibility to the technology. For instance,violence and poverty could be decreased through moral and skill education; peace negotiation might avoid the unnecessary wars or dispel the prejudice between two hostile countries.

  Meanwhile, technological innovations are instrumental to change the conditions of human beings. Fist, with advanced technology, people have better living standard today than they did bore. Therore, they have more time and ability to help others regard as low-level. Second, humanitarian can educate people the concept of charity by today’s prospered information technology such as newspaper, broadcast, TV sets,Internet, etc. Take an example, we can easily find the advertising about relieving the ruges and paupers through donation. Besides, advanced mass media not only clearly divulges the situation of the poor countries that might be devastated by wars but also rapidly conveys these information to all places of the world and hence indirectly provokes commiseration of the people receiving these messages. Technology, therore, is a usul device to directly improve the people’ life conditions as well as to indirectly help people to recognize the cruelty of atrocities and the important of humanity.

  In conclusion, as the matter of fact, even if its step seems slow, humanity still continually progresses. It is the best evidence that many unprecedented charitable organizations have distinguished results all over the world. Besides, with help of advanced of technology, people have more time and ability to benit others who needs help. However, although wars and violence are still around the world, the better solution is to cultivate people the concept of humanity and to educate them how to relieve the disputes while having different opinions but to merely blame the responsibility to the technology.


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