2017gre issue写作优秀实例:技术影响之交流.

2017-08-09 作者: 202阅读



  High-speed electronic communications media, such as electronic mail and television, tend to prevent meaningful and thoughtful communication.



  The technology is seducive:the global networks transparently transiting megabytes of information in fractions of a second; client/server softwares supporting fabulous real-time multimedia presentations on PC and MAC workstations; fortless visits to the virtual reality words. As a result, the interpersonal communication become increasingly meaningful and thoughtful in that the appearance of high-speed electronic communications media such as electronic mail and television accumulates more people in different geographicla places to a conference and facilitate their communication.

  No field benits more than business in terms of commercial intercourse from the electronic communication, which can save the engaged businessmen plenty of time ,energy and money, in other words, make profits for them. Instead of taking several flights one day to make trades with people, now the businessman just need sit down in front of the computer screen , and click the keys. While it is expensive to call in a large number of people to a dinite place to hold a meeting, by utilizing electronic television, electronic conference presently goes on in the internet, ecnomically and ficiently. Thereby electronic media facilitate our meaningful communication, which contributes to the prosperity of business in reality.获得更多gre考试咨询点击进入>>>>澳际免费咨询顾问或联系QQ客服:

  On an individual level, electronic communications media shorten the distance of people to such a degree that every and each one, regardless of sex, nationality, and race, can talk with each other in the global village through internet. When people of different backgrounds participate in a specific talk toward a special topic, motley assortments of opinions and views bear their heads and in the mean time we share our sparks of thoughts, we can obtain the more profound and through understanding of the matter around us. Further , the implements based on the internet offer us a another way to communicate with our familiar friends. Unlike talking to them in true life, where we have to conceal some of our inner expression when facing to facing, we are able to free our mask and interact with each other without restrictions of the mind, and thus carry a deep talk.

  Yet some people may argue that the internet renders people no thoughtful and meaningful communication, since they contrive misleading information and play evil jokes to others. Nonetheless, this has, in my opinion, nothing to do with the internet itself. Rather, if we are honest and sincere enough behind the screen, the problem will not exist and thus we can make most use of the electronic means to foster our life.

  In sum , I disagree with the statement in that from our empirical experience, the electronic media makes our communication increasingly meaningful and thoughtful.As long as we adopt a genuine and candid attitude towards people in the global networks, no matter in many social field such as the business area or from a personal perspective, electronic communications media will serve as a powerful and serviceable implement aided in our quotidian life.


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