攻破2017新gre逻辑阅读 每日一练3.

2017-08-09 作者: 187阅读


  The beli that art originates in intuitive rather than

  rational faculties was worked out historically and

  philosophically in the somewhat wearisome volumes of

  Benedetto Croce, who is usually considered the originator

  5 of a new aesthetic. Croce was, in fact, expressing a very

  old idea. Long bore the Romantics stressed intuition

  and self-expression, the frenzy of inspiration was regarded

  as fundamental to art, but philosophers had always

  assumed it must be controlled by law and by the

  10 intellectual power of putting things into harmonious

  order. This general philosophic concept of art was supported

  by technical necessities. It was necessary to master certain

  laws and to use intellect in order to build Gothic cathedrals,

  or set up the stained glass windows of

  15 Chartres. When this bracing element of craftsmanship

  ceased to dominate artists‘ outlook, new technical elements

  had to be adopted to maintain the intellectual element in art.

  Such were linear perspective and anatomy.

  (156 words)

  6. The passage suggests that which of the following would most likely have occurred if linear perspective and anatomy had not come to influence artistic endeavor?获得更多gre考试咨询点击进入>>>>澳际免费咨询顾问或联系QQ客服:

  (A) The craftsmanship that shaped Gothic architecture would have continued to dominate artists‘ outlooks.

  (B) Some other technical elements would have been adopted to discipline artistic inspiration.

  (C) Intellectual control over artistic inspiration would not have influenced painting as it did architecture.

  (D) The role of intuitive inspiration would not have remained fundamental to theories of artistic creation.

  (E) The assumptions of aesthetic philosophers bore Croce would have been invalidated.

  7. Select the sentence in the passage that indicates a traditional assumption of aesthetic philosophers.

  8. The author mentions “linear perspective and anatomy” in the last sentence in order to do which of the following ?

  (A) Expand his argument to include painting as well as architecture

  (B) Indicate his disagreement with Croce‘s theory of the origins of art

  (C) Support his point that rational order of some kind has often seemed to discipline artistic inspiration

  (D) Explain the rational elements in Gothic painting that corresponded to craftsmanship in Gothic architecture

  (E) Show the increasing sophistication of artists after the Gothic period

  答案:6.B 7.Long bore the Romantics stressed 。。。8.C



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