攻破新gre逻辑阅读 每日一练NO.7.

2017-08-09 作者: 45阅读


  To protect beachfront buildings from ocean storms, ocean resorts have built massive seawalls between beaches and the buildings. Not only do the seawalls block off some buildings&apos ocean view, but the beaches themselves become ever narrower, because sand can no longer creep inland as storms erode it at the water&aposs edge.

  If the information is correct, which of the following conclusions is most strongly supported on the basis of it?

  (A) Since the ferocity of ocean storms is increasing, increasingly high seawalls must be built between beaches and beachfront property.

  (B) Even when beaches are heavily used by people, they are necessary to the survival of the many wild species that use them.

  (C) Seawalls constructed to protect beachfront buildings will not themselves eventually be damaged by storms and will not require, if they are to protect the buildings, expensive repair or replacement.

  (D) The conservation of beaches for future generations should be the overriding goal of shore management at ocean coasts.

  (E) Trying to protect beachfront buildings by constructing seawalls is counterproductive in the long run for an oceanfront community wishing to maintain itself as a beach resort.



攻破新gre逻辑阅读 每日一练NO.1

攻破新gre逻辑阅读 每日一练NO.2

攻破新gre逻辑阅读 每日一练NO.3

攻破新gre逻辑阅读 每日一练NO.4

攻破新gre逻辑阅读 每日一练NO.5

攻破新gre逻辑阅读 每日一练NO.6


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