攻破2017新gre逻辑阅读 每日一练4.

2017-08-09 作者: 177阅读


  Nahuatl, like Greek and German, is a language that allows

  the formation of extensive compounds. By the

  combination of radicals or semantic elements, single

  compound words can express complex conceptual

  5 relations, often of an abstract universal character.

  The tlamatinime (―those who know‖) were able to

  use this rich stock of abstract terms to express the

  nuances of their thought. They also availed themselves

  of other forms of expression with metaphorical meaning,

  10 some probably original, some derived from Toltec

  coinages. Of these forms the most characteristic in

  Nahuatl is the juxtaposition of two words that, because

  they are synonyms, associated terms, or even contraries,

  complement each other to evoke one single idea. Used as

  15 metaphor, the juxtaposed terms connote specific or essential

  traits of the being they rer to, introducing a mode of poetry

  as an almost habitual form of expression.

  (140 words)

  9. According to the passage, some abstract universal ideas can be expressed in Nahuatl by

  (A) taking away from a word any rerence to particular instances

  (B) removing a word from its associations with other words

  (C) giving a word a new and opposite meaning

  (D) putting various meaningful elements together in one word

  (E) turning each word of a phrase into a poetic metaphor For the following question, consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply

  10. It can be inferred solely from the information in the passage EXCEPT that

  □A all abstract universal ideas are ideas of complex relations

  □B some record or evidence of the thought of the tlamatinime exists

  □C metaphors are always used in Nahuatl to express abstract conceptual relationships





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