
2017-08-07 作者: 212阅读


  Topic: The gap between standard of living in the city and the countryside is increasingly becoming wide. How to reduce the difference?

  All countries with a vast territory face the problem of uneven development between cities and countries. The economic development of China, (which has a territory of 9.6 million square km,) is likened to an eagle spreading only one wing for flight. This implies that while the urban area has made great stride during the 20-odd years of rorm and opening, the rural region has lagged behind. What with the external and the internal factors, the gap between them becomes more and more overt. In my submission, what we should do is to suit the remedy to the case.

  In the first place, the insufficiency of investment in countries accounts mainly for the issue. It has been witnessed in China that most leading cities are scattered along the coastline. It is because that the government devotes more investment in such areas as ShangHai and Shenzhen, with implementing widely open policies.

  However, this is not the case in rural areas. The lack of investment heavily hampers the productivity and economic development. So, recently the government has been introducing some fective measures, such as, development of western regions, to offer investors more trade and investment opportunities, with the aim of expediting the progress of poverty-ridden interior.

  In the second place, the low education level in countries attributes to the gap. The form chairman of China, Dengxiaopeng strengthened the notion repeatedly, “Science and technology is the primary productive force.” which illustrates the magnitude of education. Although instruction system in China experienced a rapid advancement in the two decades, the level in countries has not gained overt ground so far. And in true chicken-or-the-egg fashion, the lag of countries deters the progress in education. So I suggest the government should fund on ameliorating the education system not only in “hardware” but also in “software”.

  In bri, only when the government renders more concerns over the issue, will we enable the eagle to spread both wings. Though it is not an easy nut to crack, I believe this situation will be mend gradually.


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