
2017-08-07 作者: 210阅读


  Topic: The gap between standard of living in the city and the countryside is increasingly becoming wide. How to reduce the difference?

  Generally speaking, there has been a gap in the standard of living between cities and rural areas.And in China, the problem is seriously obvious in every corner of social life. Several contributing factors can be identified. In the following, I would like to present my point of view.

  Although China’s economy is developing very fast, the keystone is the policy in many eastern big cities. For example, the city of Shenzhen grew quickly several years bore, because its policy is widely open and the government expended great fort to help it develop. The development of Beijing and Shanghai is almost the same. But in rural areas, the policy is not that advanced. What the state cares most is the production of food, since China has a huge population. As a result, the progress of rural areas is much slower than that in cities.

  In addition, the attitude of people in the countryside is greatly different from that of people in cities. The feudal influence in countryside is apparently continuing. People there are still doing everything in traditional manners, many of which are badly impeding their improvement. By contrast, people living in cities have given up many outmoded customs, and worked out some new cultures, which makes their living style more compatible with the progress of the society.

  Moreover, many former farm laborers have rushed into cities in order to earn more money, which makes the supply of farmers sharply inadequate. As a result, people there have to give birth to more children, which causes a vicious circle in that the more they breed, the poorer they live.

  However, Chinese government has already noticed this problem, and is trying to establish some means to solve it.The way I think most ficient is to pay more attention to the science and technique in agriculture, and free part of the farmers to other occupations. And we also need to go inside the countryside, and bring them the most advanced ideas and cultures. Following this way, our society must develop faster, steadier and more balanced.


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